Surrounded by the Mala Fatra national Park the modern Sport Wellness Hotel Diplomat offers you luxurious apartments with large south-facing terraces, an indoor swimming pool and a 3-D golf simulator.
Choose from extensive opportunities for sport activities and relaxation, combining privacy and luxury with outstanding services. Hotel Diplomat offers high-standard hospitality to satisfy even the most demanding guests.
The exquisite gastronomic experience at the restaurant and the V.I.P Bar which is ideal for special parties provides culinary pleasures, while a wellness centre with saunas, a swimming pool, a tropic rain and a small waterfall offers relaxation for body and soul. Access to the relax pool and wellness area i free of charge.
The spa town of Rajecke Teplice surrounded by the Mala Fatra Mountains is a very popular recreational tourist region with thermal swimming pools and a wide range of spa services.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
You can pay by these methods after confirm reservation.
Reštaurácia sa nachádza v tichej lokalite Rajeckých Teplíc oproti hotelu Diplomat, v blízkosti centra mesta a kúpeľov. Okrem samotnej reštaurácie je hosťom k dispozícii aj upravený areál záhrady s detským kútikom, altánkom a pódiom slúžiacim pre kultúrno-spoločenské akcie a svadobné obrady.
Located only 200 m from the centre of Rajecké Teplice, Penzión Vila Dalí is 11 km from Rajecká Lesná Ski Resort. This family-run Penzión offers well-lit rooms with hardwood floors and satellite TV. Free Wi-Fi is provided.
Located 100 m from the center of Rajeske Teplice, Penzion Iris is a traditional guest house. It offers rooms with a TV and a balcony. Free WiFi and free private parking are also provided.
You can bathe in the Laura thermal spa in two swimming pools, from which one is for the children. The water temperature is 20 - 26oC. The area also offers mini-golf, beach volley, restaurants and snack bars with fast food. A parking lot is nearby.
Situated next to Spa Aphrodite, newly renovated Aphrodite Palace is set in the centre of Rajecke Teplice. Guests of the hotel benefit from free entrance to Water and Sauna World and Fitness centre. It offers rooms with free WiFi.
By the Swan Lake in Rajecke Teplice, Hotel Encian is 100 m from Thermal Spa Aphrodite; it houses a restaurant with a bar and offers rooms with a flat-screen satellite TV and a fridge. WiFi is in all areas for free.
Navštívte štýlovú antickú kaviareň priamo v kúpeľnom dome Aphrodite a vychutnejte si exotické druhy káv, miešané alkoholické alebo nealkoholické nápoje. Hosťom ponúkame možnosť usporiadania spoločenských akcií.
The Aphrodite Spa Rajecké Teplice is situated amid the scenic natural surroundings of the Malá Fatra and Strážovské Hills.
The Spa offers healing thermal water with a temperature of 38°C, whose beneficial effects have been known since the fourteenth century. It contains calcium and magnesium ions and is especially good for the locomotor system, neurological diseases, occupational diseases, and drinking cures.
Aphrodite is a spa hotel occupying a dramatic natural setting, located 33 km from Malá Fatra National Park. It features Water World with heated indoor and outdoor pools, Sauna World and Fitness. It offers free WiFi in public areas.
Situated in the thermal village of Rajecké Teplice, Skalka offers spacious rooms and a restaurant. Apart from a spa, the hotel also offers a tennis court and an in-line skating path.
Located 100 m from the centre of Rajeske Teplice, Penzion Iris is a traditional guest house. It offers rooms with a TV and a balcony. Free WiFi and free private parking are also provided.
Nadšenci dopravy a jej histórie si prídu na svoje v novom Múzeu dopravy Rajecké Teplice v budove železničnej zastávky.Nadšenci dopravy a jej histórie si prídu na svoje v novom Múzeu dopravy Rajecké Teplice v budove železničnej zastávky.
Villa Amelia offers accommodation in the Rajecká Valley in the Spa Town of Rajecké Teplice. We are located just a few meters (400m) from the spa house Aphrodite, near the thermal swimming pool Laura (800m) and 25km from the ski resort Javorinka Čičmany.
Kto prežil na Lietavskom hrade západ slnka, svitanie alebo len príjemné popoludnie, ten určite nepochybuje, že toto miesto patrí k najpôvabnejším kútom našej zeme. Vysoké zubom času ohlodané steny zrúcaniny, ako keby vyrastali z vápencových skál a výhľad z hradu na Strážovské vrchy, Malú a Veľkú Fatru patrí k tomu najlepšiemu čo nám náš kraj môže ponúknuť. Hrad Lietava už nevyvoláva dojem miesta, ktoré človek vytrhol prírode. Naopak, pôsobením poveternostných vplyvov a času sa táto neudržovaná stavba už celkom začlenila do okolitého rázu krajiny.
The facility includes eight pools that suit the needs of all kinds of visitors, with the swimming pool being the largest of them, as it is 50 metres long, 21 metres wide and 1.8 metres deep. The centre also features a car park, a wide selection of snacks, sports (beach volleyball, mini golf, table tennis and basketball) and amenities for children (a water slide, a number of slides, jungle gyms and a sand pit).
Mestské múzeum v Rajci sa nachádza v budove zo 17. storočia, ktorá je zapísaná v zozname národných kultúrnych pamiatok. V 19. storočí to bol jednoposchodový renesančne a barokovo upravený meštiansky dom, ktorý slúžil ako mestský pivovar.
The Súľovské skaly rocks forming an attractive rock town are situated in the north-west of Slovakia, only several kilometres from Žilina.
Interesting landforms in form of rock towers, needles, windows and gates separated by deep waterless gorges, ravines and valleys are the results of action of rain, ice, and wind, in other words – chemical and mechanical weathering.
V krásnom prostredí Rajeckej doliny, medzi obcami Veľká Čierna a Malé Lednice, sa nachádza 9 jamkové golfové ihrisko s krytým driving range, klubovým domom a kvalitnými cvičnými plochami. Ihrisko bolo otvorené v roku 2008 a Žilinsko–rajecký golfový klub, ktorý na ňom pôsobí, má v súčasnosti 370 členov. Ihrisko je vzdialené len 5 km od mesta Rajec smerom na Považskú Bystricu.
West of Žilina near the Váh river, the ruins of what was originally the Romanesque Hričovský hrad Castle exist. It is one of the oldest castles in the middle part of the region of Považie.
Mestské divadlo Žilina sídli v budove, ktorá bola postavená ako Reprezentačný dom Žiliny v rokoch 1942-1944 podľa projektov moravsko-nemeckého architekta Ota Reichnera. Stavba nesie znaky talianskeho neoklasicizmu a pôvodne sa v nej nachádzali kultúrne priestory, cirkevná škola a honosná radná sieň.
Je najvýznamnejším a najstarším objektom v meste. S veľkou pravdepodobnosťou v blízkosti a na mieste dnešného kostola stál od 13. storočia hrad, o čom máme písomné správy od roku 1318 do roku 1454.
On the Dubeň Hill (613 m above sea level), there is an impressive observation tower above the city of Žilina. The lookout tower is imposing with its height of 27.4 meters and 10 floors. It offers splendid views of the surrounding area and, in particular, the city of Žilina, whose towers will be provide to you as a pocket of handkerchief.
There are also masts for television and mobile networks in the vicinity of the tower.
Only the most sensitive ears of the poetic soul of the Rangers can capture the melodic melody of rare fauna and flora forever locked between high steep rocky walls. In the closest places of wild and romantic beauty, the narrowest canyon in Slovakia, barely five friends or a car ride in the shoulder ...
Prvá pltnícka a raftingová spoločnosť s r.o. (PPRS) vznikla v roku 1999 ako podnikateľský subjekt, ktorého hlavnou náplňou je obnovenie tradície pltníctva na Váhu, v jeho historicky najznámejšom úseku – v strečnianskej júžine.
Short-term and long-term accommodation in twenty rooms and four suites. There is a whirlpool, two meeting rooms with dataprojection and a capacity of 50 seats.
Featuring free WiFi and a sun terrace, Horský Hotel Kľak offers pet-friendly accommodation in Kľačno. The hotel has ski-to-door access and a ski school, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Free private parking is available on site.
Reštaurácia Salaš Kľak sa nachádza vo Fačkovskom sedle s pekným výhľadom na dominantu regiónu - najvyšší vrch Kľak (1351 m n.m.) v príjemnom prostredí okolitej prírody. Kuchyňa je zameraná na ponuku tradičných slovenských jedál.
Odjakživa sa ľudia zaujímali o Zem, kde sú jej hranice, čo je za nimi. Existuje vôbec niečo ďalej? Keď prekonali jej hranice prišli nové otázky. O tom, čo všetko sa nachádza v kozmickom priestore, ako vznikol. Zistenie odpovedí je dosť vyčerpávajúce a časovo náročné. Oveľa jednoduchšie je prísť do Kysuckej hvezdárne v Kysuckom Novom Meste, ktorá je pobočkou Krajskej hvezdárne v Žiline. Miesto, ktoré je rajom pre milovníkov hviezdnej oblohy a nadšencov neznámeho.
Family Farm Ovisfarma sro manages 219 hectares of agricultural land in the cadastral area of Udič, in the beautiful surroundings of Strážovské vrchy.
Enjoy the incoming spring and beautiful natural scenery in the pleasant environment of Koliby Papradno . The facility is located in a preserved environment surrounded by mountain meadows and pastures.
Tábor lookout tower with an altitude of 697 m above sea level. is an ideal tourist destination for a family walk. Kysucké Nové Mesto is in sight from here.
Situated in a beautiful mountain environment of the Kysuce Protected Landscape Area, in the center of the village of Papradno, about 17 km from Považská Bystrica, it is focused on recreation of the family character and the countryside of tourism, it is also suitable for organizing smaller family celebrations, weddings, corporate meetings and school gatherings.
Čo by ste povedali na prechádzku parkom, kde rastie viac ako 400 druhov stromov z celého sveta? Išli by ste sa prejsť? Ak áno, vyberte sa na návštevu do obecného parku v Turčianskej Štiavničke, ktorý je skutočným arborétom.
The National Park of Veľká Fatra, lying in central Slovakia is typical for its continuous forest, long valleys and the largest locality of original yew tree occurrence in Europe.
The so-called Púchov Rock was in the past a majestic limestone formation scattered with large cracks in several parts. His picturesque shape reminded the contemporary of the great Hussy liver, or even the imperial Mary Terézia, in the company of her court councilor VA Kounica. Nowadays, rock has a different shape since the stone has been mined, it is significantly smaller.
The Súľovské skaly rocks forming an attractive rock town are situated in the north-west of Slovakia, only several kilometres from Žilina.
Interesting landforms in form of rock towers, needles, windows and gates separated by deep waterless gorges, ravines and valleys are the results of action of rain, ice, and wind, in other words – chemical and mechanical weathering.
On the Dubeň Hill (613 m above sea level), there is an impressive observation tower above the city of Žilina. The lookout tower is imposing with its height of 27.4 meters and 10 floors. It offers splendid views of the surrounding area and, in particular, the city of Žilina, whose towers will be provide to you as a pocket of handkerchief.
There are also masts for television and mobile networks in the vicinity of the tower.
Only the most sensitive ears of the poetic soul of the Rangers can capture the melodic melody of rare fauna and flora forever locked between high steep rocky walls. In the closest places of wild and romantic beauty, the narrowest canyon in Slovakia, barely five friends or a car ride in the shoulder ...
Prvá pltnícka a raftingová spoločnosť s r.o. (PPRS) vznikla v roku 1999 ako podnikateľský subjekt, ktorého hlavnou náplňou je obnovenie tradície pltníctva na Váhu, v jeho historicky najznámejšom úseku – v strečnianskej júžine.
Odjakživa sa ľudia zaujímali o Zem, kde sú jej hranice, čo je za nimi. Existuje vôbec niečo ďalej? Keď prekonali jej hranice prišli nové otázky. O tom, čo všetko sa nachádza v kozmickom priestore, ako vznikol. Zistenie odpovedí je dosť vyčerpávajúce a časovo náročné. Oveľa jednoduchšie je prísť do Kysuckej hvezdárne v Kysuckom Novom Meste, ktorá je pobočkou Krajskej hvezdárne v Žiline. Miesto, ktoré je rajom pre milovníkov hviezdnej oblohy a nadšencov neznámeho.
Family Farm Ovisfarma sro manages 219 hectares of agricultural land in the cadastral area of Udič, in the beautiful surroundings of Strážovské vrchy.
Tábor lookout tower with an altitude of 697 m above sea level. is an ideal tourist destination for a family walk. Kysucké Nové Mesto is in sight from here.
Čo by ste povedali na prechádzku parkom, kde rastie viac ako 400 druhov stromov z celého sveta? Išli by ste sa prejsť? Ak áno, vyberte sa na návštevu do obecného parku v Turčianskej Štiavničke, ktorý je skutočným arborétom.
The National Park of Veľká Fatra, lying in central Slovakia is typical for its continuous forest, long valleys and the largest locality of original yew tree occurrence in Europe.
The so-called Púchov Rock was in the past a majestic limestone formation scattered with large cracks in several parts. His picturesque shape reminded the contemporary of the great Hussy liver, or even the imperial Mary Terézia, in the company of her court councilor VA Kounica. Nowadays, rock has a different shape since the stone has been mined, it is significantly smaller.
Reštaurácia sa nachádza v tichej lokalite Rajeckých Teplíc oproti hotelu Diplomat, v blízkosti centra mesta a kúpeľov. Okrem samotnej reštaurácie je hosťom k dispozícii aj upravený areál záhrady s detským kútikom, altánkom a pódiom slúžiacim pre kultúrno-spoločenské akcie a svadobné obrady.
Navštívte štýlovú antickú kaviareň priamo v kúpeľnom dome Aphrodite a vychutnejte si exotické druhy káv, miešané alkoholické alebo nealkoholické nápoje. Hosťom ponúkame možnosť usporiadania spoločenských akcií.
Short-term and long-term accommodation in twenty rooms and four suites. There is a whirlpool, two meeting rooms with dataprojection and a capacity of 50 seats.
Featuring free WiFi and a sun terrace, Horský Hotel Kľak offers pet-friendly accommodation in Kľačno. The hotel has ski-to-door access and a ski school, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Free private parking is available on site.
Reštaurácia Salaš Kľak sa nachádza vo Fačkovskom sedle s pekným výhľadom na dominantu regiónu - najvyšší vrch Kľak (1351 m n.m.) v príjemnom prostredí okolitej prírody. Kuchyňa je zameraná na ponuku tradičných slovenských jedál.
Family Farm Ovisfarma sro manages 219 hectares of agricultural land in the cadastral area of Udič, in the beautiful surroundings of Strážovské vrchy.
Enjoy the incoming spring and beautiful natural scenery in the pleasant environment of Koliby Papradno . The facility is located in a preserved environment surrounded by mountain meadows and pastures.
Situated in a beautiful mountain environment of the Kysuce Protected Landscape Area, in the center of the village of Papradno, about 17 km from Považská Bystrica, it is focused on recreation of the family character and the countryside of tourism, it is also suitable for organizing smaller family celebrations, weddings, corporate meetings and school gatherings.
Located only 200 m from the centre of Rajecké Teplice, Penzión Vila Dalí is 11 km from Rajecká Lesná Ski Resort. This family-run Penzión offers well-lit rooms with hardwood floors and satellite TV. Free Wi-Fi is provided.
Located 100 m from the center of Rajeske Teplice, Penzion Iris is a traditional guest house. It offers rooms with a TV and a balcony. Free WiFi and free private parking are also provided.
Situated next to Spa Aphrodite, newly renovated Aphrodite Palace is set in the centre of Rajecke Teplice. Guests of the hotel benefit from free entrance to Water and Sauna World and Fitness centre. It offers rooms with free WiFi.
By the Swan Lake in Rajecke Teplice, Hotel Encian is 100 m from Thermal Spa Aphrodite; it houses a restaurant with a bar and offers rooms with a flat-screen satellite TV and a fridge. WiFi is in all areas for free.
Aphrodite is a spa hotel occupying a dramatic natural setting, located 33 km from Malá Fatra National Park. It features Water World with heated indoor and outdoor pools, Sauna World and Fitness. It offers free WiFi in public areas.
Situated in the thermal village of Rajecké Teplice, Skalka offers spacious rooms and a restaurant. Apart from a spa, the hotel also offers a tennis court and an in-line skating path.
Located 100 m from the centre of Rajeske Teplice, Penzion Iris is a traditional guest house. It offers rooms with a TV and a balcony. Free WiFi and free private parking are also provided.
Villa Amelia offers accommodation in the Rajecká Valley in the Spa Town of Rajecké Teplice. We are located just a few meters (400m) from the spa house Aphrodite, near the thermal swimming pool Laura (800m) and 25km from the ski resort Javorinka Čičmany.
Short-term and long-term accommodation in twenty rooms and four suites. There is a whirlpool, two meeting rooms with dataprojection and a capacity of 50 seats.
Featuring free WiFi and a sun terrace, Horský Hotel Kľak offers pet-friendly accommodation in Kľačno. The hotel has ski-to-door access and a ski school, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Free private parking is available on site.
Situated in a beautiful mountain environment of the Kysuce Protected Landscape Area, in the center of the village of Papradno, about 17 km from Považská Bystrica, it is focused on recreation of the family character and the countryside of tourism, it is also suitable for organizing smaller family celebrations, weddings, corporate meetings and school gatherings.
You can bathe in the Laura thermal spa in two swimming pools, from which one is for the children. The water temperature is 20 - 26oC. The area also offers mini-golf, beach volley, restaurants and snack bars with fast food. A parking lot is nearby.
The Aphrodite Spa Rajecké Teplice is situated amid the scenic natural surroundings of the Malá Fatra and Strážovské Hills.
The Spa offers healing thermal water with a temperature of 38°C, whose beneficial effects have been known since the fourteenth century. It contains calcium and magnesium ions and is especially good for the locomotor system, neurological diseases, occupational diseases, and drinking cures.
The facility includes eight pools that suit the needs of all kinds of visitors, with the swimming pool being the largest of them, as it is 50 metres long, 21 metres wide and 1.8 metres deep. The centre also features a car park, a wide selection of snacks, sports (beach volleyball, mini golf, table tennis and basketball) and amenities for children (a water slide, a number of slides, jungle gyms and a sand pit).
V krásnom prostredí Rajeckej doliny, medzi obcami Veľká Čierna a Malé Lednice, sa nachádza 9 jamkové golfové ihrisko s krytým driving range, klubovým domom a kvalitnými cvičnými plochami. Ihrisko bolo otvorené v roku 2008 a Žilinsko–rajecký golfový klub, ktorý na ňom pôsobí, má v súčasnosti 370 členov. Ihrisko je vzdialené len 5 km od mesta Rajec smerom na Považskú Bystricu.
Nadšenci dopravy a jej histórie si prídu na svoje v novom Múzeu dopravy Rajecké Teplice v budove železničnej zastávky.Nadšenci dopravy a jej histórie si prídu na svoje v novom Múzeu dopravy Rajecké Teplice v budove železničnej zastávky.
Kto prežil na Lietavskom hrade západ slnka, svitanie alebo len príjemné popoludnie, ten určite nepochybuje, že toto miesto patrí k najpôvabnejším kútom našej zeme. Vysoké zubom času ohlodané steny zrúcaniny, ako keby vyrastali z vápencových skál a výhľad z hradu na Strážovské vrchy, Malú a Veľkú Fatru patrí k tomu najlepšiemu čo nám náš kraj môže ponúknuť. Hrad Lietava už nevyvoláva dojem miesta, ktoré človek vytrhol prírode. Naopak, pôsobením poveternostných vplyvov a času sa táto neudržovaná stavba už celkom začlenila do okolitého rázu krajiny.
Mestské múzeum v Rajci sa nachádza v budove zo 17. storočia, ktorá je zapísaná v zozname národných kultúrnych pamiatok. V 19. storočí to bol jednoposchodový renesančne a barokovo upravený meštiansky dom, ktorý slúžil ako mestský pivovar.
West of Žilina near the Váh river, the ruins of what was originally the Romanesque Hričovský hrad Castle exist. It is one of the oldest castles in the middle part of the region of Považie.
Mestské divadlo Žilina sídli v budove, ktorá bola postavená ako Reprezentačný dom Žiliny v rokoch 1942-1944 podľa projektov moravsko-nemeckého architekta Ota Reichnera. Stavba nesie znaky talianskeho neoklasicizmu a pôvodne sa v nej nachádzali kultúrne priestory, cirkevná škola a honosná radná sieň.
Je najvýznamnejším a najstarším objektom v meste. S veľkou pravdepodobnosťou v blízkosti a na mieste dnešného kostola stál od 13. storočia hrad, o čom máme písomné správy od roku 1318 do roku 1454.