Penzión Villa Limba sa pýši polohou na pokojnom mieste v Novom Smokovci, 400 metrov od lanovky. V každej ubytovacej jednotke vám je k dispozícii bezplatné Wi-Fi pripojenie na internet, TV s plochou obrazovkou a vlastná kúpeľňa.
Hosťom je k dispozícii aj gril na záhrade. Úschovňu lyží nájdete tiež na mieste. Hostia v penzióne môžu parkovať zadarmo.
Počas zimy sú zjazdovky vzdialené do 150 metrov. Požičovňa lyží je tu tiež k dispozícii.
V letných mesiacoch môžu hostia využívať okolité cyklotrasy a turistické chodníky. Bicykle si možno prenajať 400 metrov od penziónu Villa Limba.
Železničná stanica Nový Smokovec sa nachádza 280 metrov od penziónu.
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The location of the apartments belongs to the top locations in Nový Smokovec. The apartments surrounded by Tatra trees with roaring stream right under the windows and the proximity of the tourist sights are all unique attributes of Vila Olivia.
The unique alpine climate of the Vysoké Tatry and its beneficial effect on human organism was one of the main reasons to establish climatic spa in this mountain range, particularly in the settlement Nový Smokovec. MUDr. Nikolaus Szontágh, a physician who possessed some experience from the Alps, founded the spa and opened the first sanatorium in 1876.
The oldest of our protected areas, the National Park of Tatras (TANAP) in the north of Slovakia, was founded in 1949. It covers the high-mountain area of the Tatras and it is the unique protected area of flora and fauna among the tallest European high mountains situated north of the Alps.
In the very centre of the High Tatras, in the Tatra village of Starý Smokovec, you can find a renovated log cabin called Vila Alica—the new home of the private Museum of Tatra Cinematography and Photography as of June 2015.
It takes visitors back in time to the Tatras’ past, a time when the pace of life wasn’t so fast and each tourist wasn’t always equipped with their own individual camera and video recorder. A past with an undisturbed pace, preserved by artists and amateurs alike who managed to record the surroundings in photos and videos.
Poliankovo - digitálna galéria a kaviareň je na ploche cca 500 m2, kde sa snažíme vytvoriť pekný vizuálny zážitok a pomocou moderných technológií priblížiť umenie všetkým ľuďom, ktorí nás navštívia.
The tradition of the sanatorium in Tatranská Polianka specializing in the treatment of respiratory system diseases dates back as early as the 19th century. Tatranská Polianka is located 1005 metres above sea level, in the forest zone in a slightly cold area. Due to dry air, a favourable sunlight ratio, lower air pressure, lower oxygen pressure and moderate day temperatures without major variations, the climate in the Tatras is perfect for patients with lung diseases.
One of the tourist attractions in the environs of Starý Smokovec and Tatranská Lomnica in the High Tatras is the group of the cascaded Vodopády Studeného potoka waterfalls. These waterfalls are among the most frequently visited in the Tatras.
One of the much sought out attractions of the mountain range Vysoké Tatry is the funicular to the top of the peak Lomnický štít, the ride on which together with beautiful view offers an unforgettable experience.
Kompaktne a moderne upravená expozícia súkromného Ski múzea poskytuje návštevníkovi prehľad o vývoji jednotlivých zimných športov vo Vysokých Tatrách od ich počiatku až do roku 1945 na ploche cca 300 m2.
The Encián Gallery located at an altitude of 1751 metres is the second highest in Europe and the highest location in Central Europe as well as in Slovakia.
Interaktívna rodinná galéria vo Vysokých Tatrách, Dobrá Hračka, je miesto, kde na ploche 500 m2 nájdeš množstvo hier a atrakcií, naučíš sa dopravné predpisy, vyskúšaš si rôzne hračky. Aj náš obchodík je zameraný na netradičné hračky, vďaka ktorým sa deti aj dospelí dokážu hrať nielen zábavne, ale aj s rozumom. V Dobrej Hračke zastávame názor, že hračky, ktoré predávame vám vieme najlepšie priblížiť na základe osobnej skúsenosti a preto ich tu aj sami testujeme a hráme sa s nimi.
The highest situated point in Slovakia where people regularly work is the observatory at the top of the peak Lomnický štít in the mountain range Vysoké Tatry. It is at the altitude above sea level of 2,632 m.
Lučivná Climatic Spa is located amid a forest park in a scenic area below the Tatras.It is situated 816 metres above sea level. The facility specializes in providing spa treatment to children suffering from non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory tract.
AquaCity Poprad is a modern and eco-friendly tourist resort which is literally self-sufficient in terms of energy. Using geothermal water and solar energy on a daily basis prevents tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. AquaCity manages to cut energy costs and return the savings back to customers in the form of affordable eco-friendly luxury.
The Podtatranské múzeum Museum in Poprad is one of the oldest museums in Slovakia. It is located in a pseudo-Renaissance building built in 1886 and it will answer many of your questions concerning the history of the sub-Tatra region. The Museum was established by the Hungarian Carpathian Society in 1876.
ŽDIAR is a typical Goral community situated between the mountains of the Belianske Tatry and Spišská Magura. It is a tourist centre and the starting point for trips to the mountains Belianske Tatry.
One of the best preserved Slovak wooden sacral buildings is the articled Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity (Kostol sv. Tojice) in Kežmarok. In 2008, along with seven wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, it was included on the UNESCO Word Heritage List.
The dominant of the town Kežmarok is the Castle Kežmarský hrad that has entered the history of tourism in the High Tatras as the salient point of the first known tourist trip to this mountain range.
Vstup do priestorov zámočka sprístupnených verejnosti je bezplatný. Maximálny počet návštevníkov pri jednom vstupe je dvadsať. Pre limitovaný počet odporúča Kancelária prezidenta SR záujemcom o prehliadku priestorov vopred si ju zarezervovať. Objednaní záujemcovia majú prednosť pred neobjednanými.
In the Thermal Pool Vrbov you will find the right geothermal water, which is considered one of the best mineral waters in Central Europe containing important mineral substances for the human body.
Geothermal water, which the pools are filled by, springs from a depth of over 2000 m and contains minerals with beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and respiratory system, nervous system, skin and cardiovascular system.
AGROTURISTIKA - možnosť zapojiť sa do chodu gazdovsta a chaty, starostlivosť o zvieratá, ich kŕmenie, čistenie koní, osedlanie koní, pomoc pri ustajnení koní, napájaní, vyhnojovaní, kosiť čerstvú trávu, jazda na traktore. Túto možnosť oceňujú rodičia s deťmi, ktoré tak majú možnosť naučiť sa veľa o zvieratách a prírode, ale aj dospelí milovníci prírody, alebo pod neustálym tlakom pracujúci manažéri.
JAZDA NA KONI je pre niektorých jedinečným zážitkom, atrakciou ale aj koníčkom, ktorému venujú celý svoj život. Pre tých čo sa chcú povoziť, naučiť sa jazdiť, starať sa o kone, objednať si celé stádo pre svoje podujatie, jazdiť na saniach, nočné jazdy, výlety po okolí a iné.
The oldest of our protected areas, the National Park of Tatras (TANAP) in the north of Slovakia, was founded in 1949. It covers the high-mountain area of the Tatras and it is the unique protected area of flora and fauna among the tallest European high mountains situated north of the Alps.
Poliankovo - digitálna galéria a kaviareň je na ploche cca 500 m2, kde sa snažíme vytvoriť pekný vizuálny zážitok a pomocou moderných technológií priblížiť umenie všetkým ľuďom, ktorí nás navštívia.
One of the tourist attractions in the environs of Starý Smokovec and Tatranská Lomnica in the High Tatras is the group of the cascaded Vodopády Studeného potoka waterfalls. These waterfalls are among the most frequently visited in the Tatras.
One of the much sought out attractions of the mountain range Vysoké Tatry is the funicular to the top of the peak Lomnický štít, the ride on which together with beautiful view offers an unforgettable experience.
Interaktívna rodinná galéria vo Vysokých Tatrách, Dobrá Hračka, je miesto, kde na ploche 500 m2 nájdeš množstvo hier a atrakcií, naučíš sa dopravné predpisy, vyskúšaš si rôzne hračky. Aj náš obchodík je zameraný na netradičné hračky, vďaka ktorým sa deti aj dospelí dokážu hrať nielen zábavne, ale aj s rozumom. V Dobrej Hračke zastávame názor, že hračky, ktoré predávame vám vieme najlepšie priblížiť na základe osobnej skúsenosti a preto ich tu aj sami testujeme a hráme sa s nimi.
The highest situated point in Slovakia where people regularly work is the observatory at the top of the peak Lomnický štít in the mountain range Vysoké Tatry. It is at the altitude above sea level of 2,632 m.
ŽDIAR is a typical Goral community situated between the mountains of the Belianske Tatry and Spišská Magura. It is a tourist centre and the starting point for trips to the mountains Belianske Tatry.
AGROTURISTIKA - možnosť zapojiť sa do chodu gazdovsta a chaty, starostlivosť o zvieratá, ich kŕmenie, čistenie koní, osedlanie koní, pomoc pri ustajnení koní, napájaní, vyhnojovaní, kosiť čerstvú trávu, jazda na traktore. Túto možnosť oceňujú rodičia s deťmi, ktoré tak majú možnosť naučiť sa veľa o zvieratách a prírode, ale aj dospelí milovníci prírody, alebo pod neustálym tlakom pracujúci manažéri.
JAZDA NA KONI je pre niektorých jedinečným zážitkom, atrakciou ale aj koníčkom, ktorému venujú celý svoj život. Pre tých čo sa chcú povoziť, naučiť sa jazdiť, starať sa o kone, objednať si celé stádo pre svoje podujatie, jazdiť na saniach, nočné jazdy, výlety po okolí a iné.
The location of the apartments belongs to the top locations in Nový Smokovec. The apartments surrounded by Tatra trees with roaring stream right under the windows and the proximity of the tourist sights are all unique attributes of Vila Olivia.
The unique alpine climate of the Vysoké Tatry and its beneficial effect on human organism was one of the main reasons to establish climatic spa in this mountain range, particularly in the settlement Nový Smokovec. MUDr. Nikolaus Szontágh, a physician who possessed some experience from the Alps, founded the spa and opened the first sanatorium in 1876.
The tradition of the sanatorium in Tatranská Polianka specializing in the treatment of respiratory system diseases dates back as early as the 19th century. Tatranská Polianka is located 1005 metres above sea level, in the forest zone in a slightly cold area. Due to dry air, a favourable sunlight ratio, lower air pressure, lower oxygen pressure and moderate day temperatures without major variations, the climate in the Tatras is perfect for patients with lung diseases.
Lučivná Climatic Spa is located amid a forest park in a scenic area below the Tatras.It is situated 816 metres above sea level. The facility specializes in providing spa treatment to children suffering from non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory tract.
AquaCity Poprad is a modern and eco-friendly tourist resort which is literally self-sufficient in terms of energy. Using geothermal water and solar energy on a daily basis prevents tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. AquaCity manages to cut energy costs and return the savings back to customers in the form of affordable eco-friendly luxury.
In the Thermal Pool Vrbov you will find the right geothermal water, which is considered one of the best mineral waters in Central Europe containing important mineral substances for the human body.
Geothermal water, which the pools are filled by, springs from a depth of over 2000 m and contains minerals with beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and respiratory system, nervous system, skin and cardiovascular system.
In the very centre of the High Tatras, in the Tatra village of Starý Smokovec, you can find a renovated log cabin called Vila Alica—the new home of the private Museum of Tatra Cinematography and Photography as of June 2015.
It takes visitors back in time to the Tatras’ past, a time when the pace of life wasn’t so fast and each tourist wasn’t always equipped with their own individual camera and video recorder. A past with an undisturbed pace, preserved by artists and amateurs alike who managed to record the surroundings in photos and videos.
Kompaktne a moderne upravená expozícia súkromného Ski múzea poskytuje návštevníkovi prehľad o vývoji jednotlivých zimných športov vo Vysokých Tatrách od ich počiatku až do roku 1945 na ploche cca 300 m2.
The Encián Gallery located at an altitude of 1751 metres is the second highest in Europe and the highest location in Central Europe as well as in Slovakia.
The Podtatranské múzeum Museum in Poprad is one of the oldest museums in Slovakia. It is located in a pseudo-Renaissance building built in 1886 and it will answer many of your questions concerning the history of the sub-Tatra region. The Museum was established by the Hungarian Carpathian Society in 1876.
ŽDIAR is a typical Goral community situated between the mountains of the Belianske Tatry and Spišská Magura. It is a tourist centre and the starting point for trips to the mountains Belianske Tatry.
One of the best preserved Slovak wooden sacral buildings is the articled Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity (Kostol sv. Tojice) in Kežmarok. In 2008, along with seven wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, it was included on the UNESCO Word Heritage List.
The dominant of the town Kežmarok is the Castle Kežmarský hrad that has entered the history of tourism in the High Tatras as the salient point of the first known tourist trip to this mountain range.
Vstup do priestorov zámočka sprístupnených verejnosti je bezplatný. Maximálny počet návštevníkov pri jednom vstupe je dvadsať. Pre limitovaný počet odporúča Kancelária prezidenta SR záujemcom o prehliadku priestorov vopred si ju zarezervovať. Objednaní záujemcovia majú prednosť pred neobjednanými.
V rámci 90. výročia založenia mesta Svit, Vás pozývame na charitatívny celovečerný vianočný program s názvom Od Kataríny do Štefana, v ktorom budete môcť vidieť ukážky tradičných ľudových zvykov a tradícií počas vianočného obdobia.
Príď osláviť návrat pravej hip-hopovej atmosféry do Popradu!
Pozývame všetkých do undergroundových priestorov Koľaje 22 na nezabudnuteľnú noc plnú beatu a rýmov. Čaká Vás špeciálny headliner – slovenský rapový kráľ Zverina, ktorý prinesie surovú energiu a silné beaty priamo do srdca mesta!
Srdečne pozývame na novembrové podujatia do múzea Tatranskej kinematografie a fotografie na vernisáž novej výstavy Filmové plagáty v solupráci s Kinom Tatran🎥🎞️
Vianočný duch opäť dorazí aj do Hotela Lomnica, tentokrát s Nelou Pociskovou. Zažite čaro sviatočnej atmosféry počas vianočného koncertu v kaviarni Mozart.
After a long-term extremely successful European tour, the world-famous group of African-American musicians led by Reverend Dwight Robson "The Original Golden Voices Of Gospel" from New York will visit us again.