Pension 77 ***
A small family-run guest house, this charming property is 500 m away from Pezinok's centre. The surrounding garden has a summer terrace and offers free parking.
All rooms at the Penzion 77 come with satellite TV, a minibar and a work desk. The private bathroom is equipped with bathtub or shower and toiletries.
The public pool with a gym and wellness area is 500 m away. Guests can also take part in wine tasting of the 100 best Slovak wines at the National Salon of Wines, set at the 13th-century Pezinok Castle.
Skiing opportunities are offered at the Pezinska Baba ski centre, 10 km away. Horseback riding and tennis courts are situated within 1.5 km from the Penzion 77, in Rozalka.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
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Places Around
Národná prírodná rezervácia Šúr
Národná prírodná rezervácia Šúr pri obci Svätý Jur (19 km S) sa rozkladá na ploche 370 ha. Vyznačuje sa výskytom vzácnej flóry a fauny v prostredí vzácneho komplexu barinato-slatinného jelšového lesa s rašeliniskom. Súčasťou rezervácie je aj riedky dubovo-brestový les nazývaný Panónsky háj, v ktorom sa zachovala vzácna xerotermná vegetácia.
Náučný Holubyho chodník
Chodník sa začína v Modre a končí sa v Pezinku. Je nenáročný, dlhý 22 kilometrov a je na ňom 15 zastávok. Môžete ísť obojsmerne, pešo aj na bicykli a to počas letného i zimného obdobia.
CHKO Malé Karpaty
Chránená krajinná oblasť Malé Karpaty je jediné veľkoplošné chránené územie vinohradníckeho charakteru. Malé Karpaty predstavujú okrajové pohorie vnútorných Karpát, rozkladajúce sa v ich juhozápadnom cípe.
Bar pri pivovare JAMA Craft Brewery špecializovaný na predaj piva z tohto pivovaru.
ELESKO Wine Park Modra
ELESKO je unikátny koncept, ktorý Vám dovolí zastaviť sa, na chvíľu vypnúť a vychutnávať okamihy strávené s priateľmi, rodinou či kolegami. V modernom sídle vinárstva a gastronómie, v ELESKO Wine Park v Modre, môžete vychutnať neobyčajne dobré domácke jedlo, špeciálne divinové delikatesy a samozrejme, i prémiové víno z vlastnej ELESKO produkcie.
Team Up
Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.
Jump Arena
Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...
The Sunny Lakes Senec
The town Senec in the south-west of Slovakia (25 km away from Bratislava) is a known and popular destination of summer holidaymakers above all due to its stable weather and lakes Slnečné jazerá (Sun Lakes) that stretch on an area of 120 hectares.
Korzo Zálesie
Korzo Zálesie brings an untraditional wooden promenade for all lovers of romantic nooks. If we add an even smaller lookout tower, it is ideal for a short walk, whether with your love or family.
The name of this 439-meter hill overlooking Bratislava.
iCOMBAT Laser Game
The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.
Small Carpathian Museum
The museum is focused on wine and wine drinking culture. The authentic premises of a vineyard town house boast with the largest collection of wine-presses in Central Europe. Try drunk simulators, smell aromas of wines from the Carpathian region and taste the cup of high-quality wine.
Kingdom of Goose In Slovensky Grob
All roads lead to Rome, but we know that the way of geese leads to the 100-year tradition of roasted geese in Slovenský Grob.
Farma pod Gaštankou
Pod Gaštankou je malá rodinná farma v krásnom modranskom chotári. Nájdete tu kone a domáce zvieratá, vidiecke a športové aktivity pre deti aj dospelých, chutné domáce jedlo a pitie. Zoberte svoje ratolesti von, do prírody.
Bar pri pivovare JAMA Craft Brewery špecializovaný na predaj piva z tohto pivovaru.
ELESKO Wine Park Modra
ELESKO je unikátny koncept, ktorý Vám dovolí zastaviť sa, na chvíľu vypnúť a vychutnávať okamihy strávené s priateľmi, rodinou či kolegami. V modernom sídle vinárstva a gastronómie, v ELESKO Wine Park v Modre, môžete vychutnať neobyčajne dobré domácke jedlo, špeciálne divinové delikatesy a samozrejme, i prémiové víno z vlastnej ELESKO produkcie.
Elephant Diner - Bratislava
Americka reštaurácia v štýle 50-tych rokov, ktorá okrem príjemného prostredia zaujme kvalitnou americkou kuchyňou ako sú burgre, sendviče, lievance či steaky,...
Hotel Koliba Senec
This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Built in the traditional style of a Slovak shepherd's hut, Hotel Koliba is located 150 m from the lakeshore and just a 30-minute drive from Bratislava's centre. It offers typical Slovak cuisine and a free outdoor pool, fitness centre and hot tub.
Antovszky Catering
Naša spoločnosť GASTRO-CENTRUM J.P.B. ANTOVSZKÝ, spol. s.r.o., zabezpečuje profesionálny catering a párty servis od roku 1995. Pôsobíme na celom území Slovenska, ako aj v Rakúsku, Česku a Maďarsku.
Molo restaurant
MOLO RESTAURANT is situated in wonderful surroundings of lake Kuchajda a stone’s throw from the center of Bratislava. Our offer of exquisite food is complemented with a wide range of quality wines and other refreshing beverages. Try our everfresh specials in a pleasant atmosphere which will definitely leave you fascinated.
Penzión Pod kláštorom ***
The Penzión Pod Kláštorom can be found only 2 minutes' walk from the centre of Pezinok and offers you nicely furnished rooms and suites, free Wi-Fi and free parking.
Hotel Vinársky Dom ***
Within a walking distance from the centre of Pezinok and its tourist attractions, Hotel Vinarsky features the vinotheque offering a wide selection of local wines. Wine tasting can be organised on request. WiFi is provided in the entire hotel for free.
Pension Rustica-Garni ***
Featuring a well-groomed garden with barbecue facilities and a small spa area, the Penzion Rustica is located in the centre of Pezinok. Bratislava's Old Town is a half-hour drive away.
Hotel Tilia ****
The Tilia hotel is situated in the centre of winegrowers' town of Pezinok, 20 km from Bratislava. It features a wellness centre and offers free parking and free Wi-Fi.
Hotel Rozálka ***
Located in Areál Rozálka Health Resort in Pezinok, Penzión Rozálka offers horse riding, a petting zoo and a tennis court on site. Free WiFi is provided in some rooms.
Villa Vinica
Situated in a picturesque village of Limbach and directly in the Limbavin winery area, Villa Vinica offers accommodation with wine tastings and excursions, free WiFi, free parking, a bar, barbecue facilities and a terrace.
Hotel Koliba Senec
This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Built in the traditional style of a Slovak shepherd's hut, Hotel Koliba is located 150 m from the lakeshore and just a 30-minute drive from Bratislava's centre. It offers typical Slovak cuisine and a free outdoor pool, fitness centre and hot tub.
Golf and Country Club Bratislava - Bernolákovo
The technical parameters are adapted to the historical area with a baroque manor house and majestic old trees. The golf course is suitable for demanding players as well as for beginners. One of its advantages is that it is situated less than 6 km from the capital city of Bratislava. The club has been active in this domain since 1995.
Black River Golf Resort
Black & White Golf Resort Bratislava je unikátnym golfovým rezortom. Nielenže bolo v tomto rezorte vybudované prvé 9-jamkové ihrisko na Slovensku (ihrisko Park), ale taktiež je to najväčším golfovým rezortom s 55-timi grínmi a mnohými oceneniami. Rezort je známy tým, že ponúka 4 ihriská rôznych obťiažností, počnúc najľahším ihrisko Park a končiac športovo najnáročnejším ihrisko v Európe, ihriskom Black River.
Team Up
Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.
Aquapark Senec
Nechajte sa zlákať nekonečnou ponukou tých najbláznivejších mokrých zážitkov počas celého roka!
Jump Arena
Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...
iCOMBAT Laser Game
The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.
Brainteaselava Escape Room
Brainteaselava Escape Room offers adventure activities for turists where you can learn something about Bratislava and its history in really unconvential and funny way.
Výletné plavby po Dunaji
Get us a memorable experience . You do not own a boat , you can rent it with us, or try Safari on personal watercraft.
GREEN RESORT Golf Course Hrubá Borša
Green Resort Golf Course Hrubá Borša with its 27 holes is located in the village of Hrubá Borša near Senec. This course is a place where the beautiful sport of golf will not only awaken your interest but will captivate it for good. At present, a nine-hole championship course is open (PAR 36).
Pezinok Castle
Pezinský zámok je dominantou historického Pezinka. Bol postavený okolo roku 1300. Stavali ho a bývali v ňom pezinskí grófi v 13. - 16 storočí, ktorí patrili medzi najbohatšie a politicky najvplyvnejšie šľachtické rody v Uhorsku.
Small Carpathian Museum
The museum is focused on wine and wine drinking culture. The authentic premises of a vineyard town house boast with the largest collection of wine-presses in Central Europe. Try drunk simulators, smell aromas of wines from the Carpathian region and taste the cup of high-quality wine.
Small Carpathian Museum Pezinok
Permanent expositions: History of the town of Pezinok from its first written reference through the feudal municipal justice, guilds, handicraft up to ethnology and History of viticulture and winery under the Small Carpathians.
The City Museum and Gallery of Ján Kupecký
Starobylo pôsobiaca budova pezinskej mestskej radnice je architektonicky unikátnou kultúrnou pamiatkou z polovice 17. storočia. Jej priestory dnes využíva Mestské múzeum v Pezinku.
Schaubmar’s mill
Schaubmars mill (Schaubmarov mlyn) in Pezinok, in western Slovakia, is considered the biggest mill on a brook in Slovakia and also one of the biggest in Europe. It is the cultural and technical monument, which represents the type of yeoman mills from the 16th to 18th centuries.
Pálffyho barokový kaštieľ
Barokový kaštieľ z roku 1776 bol v roku 1884 prebudovaný. Dokonalá práca popredných majstrov vrátila usadlosti vzhľad známy z čias jej zenitu. Aj napriek vonkajšej viacstupňovitosti hlavnej časti traktu, vnútorné členenie je symetrické.
Mestská pamiatková rezervácia Svätý Jur
K najstarším zachovaným architektúram vinohradníckeho mestečka Svätý Jur patrí gotický Kostol sv. Juraja s drevenou zvonicou, situovaný dominantne nad opevneným historickým jadrom mesta v niekdajšej samostatnej časti Neštich.
The Biely Kameň Castle
Above Svätý Jur in the Malé Karpaty Mts., near Bratislava there are the ruins of the Biely Kameň Castle, which was probably built in the 13th century.
Manufacture of majolica in Modra
Although the free royal borough Modra, stretching below the mountains Malé Karpaty in western Slovakia, became renowned for vineyards and wine, there is also a technical monument, the former building of the manufacture producing majolica.
Galéria Ignáca Bizmayera v Modre
Galéria Ignáca Bizmayera predstavuje reprezentatívny výber z diel vrcholného predstaviteľa figurálnej keramickej tvorby na Slovensku. Nachádza sa v rotundovej bašte mestského opevnenia z 1. polovice 17. storočia a otvorená bola v roku 1994 počas Svetového kongresu keramikárov.
ELESKO Wine Park Modra
ELESKO je unikátny koncept, ktorý Vám dovolí zastaviť sa, na chvíľu vypnúť a vychutnávať okamihy strávené s priateľmi, rodinou či kolegami. V modernom sídle vinárstva a gastronómie, v ELESKO Wine Park v Modre, môžete vychutnať neobyčajne dobré domácke jedlo, špeciálne divinové delikatesy a samozrejme, i prémiové víno z vlastnej ELESKO produkcie.
Motor-car Tuhovská
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.
Motor-car Hodonínska
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.