Penzion Romantik


Penzión Romantik sa nachádza v obci Dolná Streda. Vodná nádrž Kráľová, kde si môžete zaplávať a venovať sa rôznym športovým aktivitám, rybolovu a výletom na lodiach, je vzdialená iba 4 km. Penzión vám ponúka ubytovanie v izbách, reštauráciu, služby recepcie s nepretržitou prevádzkou, bezplatné Wi-Fi pripojenie na internet a záhradu s výbavou na grilovanie.

Každá izba v penzióne Romantik je vybavená satelitnou TV, minibarom, telefónom a vlastnou kúpeľňou s vaňou, so sušičom vlasov a s bezplatnými toaletnými potrebami.

Stravovať sa môžete v reštaurácii na mieste. K dispozícii sú aj obedové balíčky a izbová služba.

K ďalším zariadeniam a službám penziónu patrí terasa, konferenčné priestory, predaj vstupeniek a služba organizácie výletov. Parkovať môžete na súkromnom bezplatnom parkovisku. Na mieste alebo v okolí penziónu sa môžete venovať rôznym aktivitám, napríklad cyklistike a rybolovu.

Najbližšia autobusová zastávka sa nachádza 2,5 km od penziónu a mesto Galanta je vzdialené 10 km. Sládkovičovo sa nachádza vo vzdialenosti 13,5 km.

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We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.

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Kostolné námestie 311925 63Dolná Streda
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Snow icon
5°C/ 1°CDay / Night
Fresh breeze, 10m/s
Snow icon
2°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Fresh breeze, 9m/s
Scattered clouds icon
Scattered clouds
4°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Fresh breeze, 10m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
1°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
Broken clouds icon
Broken clouds
3°C/ -1°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
Scattered clouds icon
Scattered clouds
8°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
7°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s

Places Around

Kukuričné bludisko - the biggest labyrint of Europe

Čakajú Vás 2 bludiská s trasou cca 2 800 m, ale pri hľadaní stanovíšť sa nachodíte oveľa viac. Ďalej sme pripravili stánok s občerstvením, párty stan, pyramídu z balíkov slamy, rozhľadňu, hry na overenie detských zručností či jazda traktorom. Vstupné: deti od 3r. aj dospelí 2,50 €.

Holiday Resort Water Reservoir Kráľová

Holiday Resort Water Reservoir Kráľová

The vicinity of the town of Galanta features the holiday resort and water reservoir Kráľová. The water reservoir is located on the Váh River, with forests and fields surrounding the area which is a favourite place for fishermen and water sports fans.

The Sunny Lakes Senec

The Sunny Lakes Senec

The town Senec in the south-west of Slovakia (25 km away from Bratislava) is a known and popular destination of summer holidaymakers above all due to its stable weather and lakes Slnečné jazerá (Sun Lakes) that stretch on an area of 120 hectares.

Oáza Sibírskeho tigra

Unikátny Slovenský projekt - Oáza Sibírskeho Tigra bol vytvorený pre záchranu tigra ussurijského (sibírskeho). Začiatok budovania tohto zariadenia pre ussurijské tigre, chované v zajatí, spadá do roku 1999.

Botanical garden Nitra

Botanical garden Nitra

The Botanical garden in  Nitra in western Slovakia is the scientific and pedagogic facility owned by the Slovak Agricultural University, focused on the cultural and educational activities.

Medovinárstvo Apimed

Spoločnosť Apimed bola založená v roku 1998, kedy sa majitelia Peter Kudláč s manželkou Máriou vydali na cestu znovuobjavovania starodávneho vykvaseného nápoja z medu s cieľom nadviazať na tradície našich predkov.

Malkia Park - Big cats Rescue

Malkia Park - Big cats Rescue

Chcete spoznať šelmy z najtesnejšej blízkosti? Túto možnosť máte v zoologickej záhrade Malkia Park - Big Cats Rescue. Nájdete ju priamo v areáli známeho pretekárskeho okruhu Slovakia Ring v Orechovej Potôni.

Elephant Diner - Trnava

Elephant Diner - Trnava

Reštaurácia v štýle amerického retra v Tebe zanechá príjemný a hlavne chutný zážitok.. Nevyskúšaš - nevieš :) Rodičia s deťmi si užijú aj detský kútik!

Hotel Centrál ***

Hotel Centrál Šaľa is situated in Šaľa, 49 km from Piešťany and 24 km from Nitra. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.

Synagóga cafe

Synagóga cafe

Synagóga Café, kaviareň s jedinečnou atmosférou, patrí medzi najkrajšie objekty a kulinárske zastávky v meste Trnava.

Penzión Patriot ***

Penzión Patriot ***

Located in the historical centre of Trnava, 300 m from Trnava University, Pension & Restaurant Patriot offers you air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free secure parking.

Víno Mrva & Stanko

V dobe, keď trh i celá spoločnosť ešte len hľadali cestu k dobrému vínu, predstavila firma Víno Mrva&Stanko slovenské víno ako moderný nápoj.

Hotel Mikado ****

Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.

Terra Parna

Malebná vinica a uprostred nej zasadená moderná budova – to je pohľad, ktorý sa naskytne návštevníkovi vinárstva Terra Parna v Ružovej doline pri Trnave.

Le Bistro

Le Bistro je trendový podnik v centre starobylej Nitry. Hosťom ponúka francúzsky štýl raňajok, čerstvú kávu a výborné dezerty.

Hotel Koliba Senec

This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Built in the traditional style of a Slovak shepherd's hut, Hotel Koliba is located 150 m from the lakeshore and just a 30-minute drive from Bratislava's centre. It offers typical Slovak cuisine and a free outdoor pool, fitness centre and hot tub.

Hotel Galanta

Hotel Galanta is located in a quiet residential area outside of Galanta, 3 km from the city center and approximately 25 km from Nitra and Trnava towns. This boutique hotel offers air-conditioned rooms with satellite LCD TV's in elegant surroundings. All rooms have an en suite bathroom.

Pension Grand

Penzión Grand ponúka pod jednou strechou ubytovanie, konferenčné miesta, reštauráciu, welness a fitnes centrum, bowling a veľa ďalších služieb. Samozrejmosťou je vlastné monitorované parkovisko. V blízkosti penziónu sa nachádzajú bohaté možnosti kultúrneho a spoločenského vyžitia, nákupné strediská, salón krásy, banky a pošta.

Hotel Tevel ***

Situated in the town of Sládkovičovo in the Danubian Lowland, Hotel Tevel offers en-suite accommodation, a restaurant, a bar, café, a terrace, a 24-hour front desk, tennis courts and a football pitch. Free WiFi is available in the entire property and free private parking is possible on site.

Pension and restaurant Toldi

Located in Matuskovo, a 5-minute drive from Galanta, Penzion a Restauracia Toldi offers individually furnished rooms with a TV and a fridge. The on-site restaurant serves Hungarian cuisine and features a wine cellar and a rustic outdoor seating area with a fireplace.

Hotel Centrál ***

Hotel Centrál Šaľa is situated in Šaľa, 49 km from Piešťany and 24 km from Nitra. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.

Penzión Patriot ***

Penzión Patriot ***

Located in the historical centre of Trnava, 300 m from Trnava University, Pension & Restaurant Patriot offers you air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free secure parking.

Hotel Mikado ****

Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.

Hotel Koliba Senec

This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Built in the traditional style of a Slovak shepherd's hut, Hotel Koliba is located 150 m from the lakeshore and just a 30-minute drive from Bratislava's centre. It offers typical Slovak cuisine and a free outdoor pool, fitness centre and hot tub.

Retro Thermal Diakovce

Retro Thermal Diakovce

V areáli kúpaliska je k dispozícii bazénová časť so štyrmi bazénmi (plavecký bazén, oddychový bazén so strieškou, ležadlami a vodnými tryskami, 2 detské bazény - pre deti do 6 a do 4 rokov), chatová osada, autokempingový tábor a turistická ubytovňa. Areál ďalej ponúka reštauračné a bufetové stravovanie, pribudla pizzéria a kaviareň s terasou s bohatou ponukou jedál a nápojov, koktejl bar pri bazénoch. Športové aktivity na futbalovom a volejbalovom ihrisku a večernú zábavu v miestnom discobare pri živej hudbe.

Relaxation and rehabilitation centre in Horné Saliby

Relaxation and rehabilitation centre in Horné Saliby

The relaxation and rehabilitation centre in Horné Saliby is a year-round thermal swimming-pool located in the flat part of southern Slovakia between the towns of Galanta and Šaľa. For fun-lovers there is a 72 metre-long slide with its own exit pool.

Lanové centrum Trnava

Lanové centrum Trnava

Lanové centrum Trnava je adrenalínový športový areál pod šírym nebom, ktorý ponúka atraktívne programy pre skupiny aj jednotlivcov. Ide o komplex lanových prekážok, ktoré sú umiestnené vo výške 8 metrov nad zemou.

Golf Trnava

Na okraji Trnavy, v dotyku rekreačnej oddychovej zóny uviedla spoločnosť Golf Trnava, s.r.o., do prevádzky odpalisko Driving Range Trnava.

GREEN RESORT Golf Course Hrubá Borša

GREEN RESORT Golf Course Hrubá Borša

Green Resort Golf Course Hrubá Borša with its 27 holes is located in the village of Hrubá Borša near Senec. This course is a place where the beautiful sport of golf will not only awaken your interest but will captivate it for good. At present, a nine-hole championship course is open (PAR 36).

Aquapark Senec

Nechajte sa zlákať nekonečnou ponukou tých najbláznivejších mokrých zážitkov počas celého roka!

Thermal Swimming Pool ThermalPark Nitrava

ThermalPark Nitrava sa nachádza v peknom prostredí v malebnej obci Poľný Kesov, neďaleko Nitry. Je ľahko prístupný do 15 minút jazdy autom z rýchlostnej cesty R1 – NITRA - JUH. ThermalPark Nitrava patrí svojou rozlohou medzi najväčšie na Slovensku.

Slovakia Ring

SLOVAKIA RING is a professional and versatile motor sports complex and home of the first national racing circuit with homologation from Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). (source:

Motorsport Racing

Motorsport Racing

Jazdenie na Formuly, Porsche, Mustangu na pretekárskej dráhe.

Múzeum holokaustu v Seredi

Múzeum holokaustu v Seredi je súčasťou SNM-Múzea židovskej kultúry v Bratislave. Vzniklo v priestoroch bývalého pracovného a koncentračného tábora v Seredi, ktoré predstavuje autentické miesto viažuce sa k tragickému obdobiu riešenia židovskej otázky na Slovensku počas druhej svetovej vojny.

Renaissance manor house of the Esterházy family

Renaissance manor house of the Esterházy family

The pride and symbol of Galanta is the Renaissance mansion. The mansion stands in the middle of a housing estate surrounded by panel buildings. In the past, it was set in a beautiful park. The Renaissance manor house belonged to the most important Hungarian noble family of Esterházy

Homeland Studies Museum in Galanta

Homeland Studies Museum in Galanta

The Homeland Studies Museum in Galanta had its seat in the family residence of the Esterházys – a Neo-gothic mansion house in Galanta from 1970. Due to its renovation, the museum was removed to a building of a former bank in the centre of the town. The museum specializes in documenting history of miller´s trade in the river basin of the Malý Dunaj (Little Danube) and lower reaches of the Váh river.

Western Slovakia Museum in Trnava

Western Slovakia Museum in Trnava

The museum is situated in the former Clarist monastery from the 13th century with the rich stucco and relief decoration of the Sacrarium. During World War II, this place served as a hiding place for American pilots. Besides the permanent expositions, visitors can see 20 new expositions a year in the showplace, which is larger than 2,500 m2. Moreover, the museum administers the Oláh Seminary and the House of Music.

Town fortifications of Trnava

Town fortifications of Trnava

The fortifications of the town of Trnava rank among the oldest medieval fortifications of Slovak towns. With the delineated area of 56 ha, the town of Trnava in the 13th century ranked among the largest towns in Europe.

Church of the Virgin Mary - Diakovce

Church of the Virgin Mary - Diakovce

The Late-Romanesque Roman Catholic monastic church of the Virgin Mary from 1228 is along with the monastery in Hronský Beňadik the most remarkable and most valuable monastic architecture in Slovakia.

Observatory and Planetarium in Hlohovec

Hlohovec is one of the few towns in Slovakia which have observatories (19) and one of the five towns with a planetarium. We organize field trips to the planetarium, lectures and astronomic observations of the Sun and the night sky.

St Nicholas Basilica – Trnava

St Nicholas Basilica – Trnava

The great Gothic monument, St Nicholas Basilica, parish church stands on the square Námestie Sv. Mikuláša on the site of an older Romanesque church from the 14th century (on the site of the oldest settlement). It was a cathedral church of the Esztergom Archbishop in the years 1543-1820.

Ján Palárik Theatre

Ján Palárik Theatre

Budova Divadla Jána Palárika je považovaná za najstaršiu stavbu svojho druhu na Slovensku.

Town tower

The town tower has been, for several centuries, the main landmark of Trnava. The main purpose of the tower was to function as a lookout tower, contributing to the security of the town. This, almost 60m tall renaissance structure contains unique clockwork inside.