Šariš Museum Bardejov
Permanent expositions in Bardejov and in Bardejovské kúpele (Bardejov spas) belong under the Šariš Museum in Bardejov.
Ubytovacie zariadenie El-Café sa nachádza v samotnom centre Bardejova, iba 100 metrov od Starého mesta. Ponúka reštauráciu, kde sa podávajú pokrmy európskej kuchyne a tradičné slovenské špeciality. Nachádza sa tu aj bar a letná terasa.
Izby majú priestor na posedenie, káblovú TV, rýchlovarnú kanvicu a chladničku. Každá izba ponúka vlastnú kúpeľňu so sprchovacím kútom.
Autobusová stanica je v pešej vzdialenosti. Najbližšími letiskami sú medzinárodné letisko Košice, situované 90 km odtiaľto, a letisko Poprad-Tatry vzdialené 110 km. Známe Bardejovské kúpele sú vzdialené 6 km od ubytovacieho zariadenia. Nájdete tu liečebné pramene minerálnych vôd, rovnako ako aj skanzen ľudovej architektúry. Bardejov je zapísaný na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Nachádzajú sa tu unikátne drevené kostolíky, židovská štvrť a hlavné námestie s dobre zachovanými gotickými a renesančnými meštianskymi domami.
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
Obec Lenartov sa nachádza v blízkosti slovensko-poľskej hranice. Koncom 19. stor. cez ňu viedla obchodná cesta z Poľska do Galície. Ostali po nej spomienky v podobe studne (prameňa) a zrúcaniny hostinca Kráľova studňa. Dnes v obci pôsobí občianske združenie Kráľova studňa z Lenartova, ktoré sa zaslúžilo aj o výstavbu rozhľadne. Vybudovali ju nad Lenartovom v roku 2011.
Opened all year round, the ZOO Park in the east-Slovak town of Stropkov, situated in the Nízke Beskydy Mts., is an attractive cultural and educational facility, the only one of its kind in Slovakia.
Located only 700 m to the UNESCO-protected historical centre of Bardejov, the Hotel Artin offers en-suite accommodation, a winter garden, a lobby bar and a restaurant. Free private parking and free WiFi are available for guests on site.
Set 800 m from the Square with Town Hall and Basilica of St. Giles in Bardejov, Penzión Magura features a bar and free WiFi throughout the guest house. Free private parking is available on site.
Miesto, kde sa môžete vyblázniť a zažiť plno adrenalínu. Hrá sa vonku alebo v budove tvaru "h". Počas hry sa používajú aj dymovnice.
Permanent expositions in Bardejov and in Bardejovské kúpele (Bardejov spas) belong under the Šariš Museum in Bardejov.
The most important monument on the principal square in Bardejov inscribed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage, is the parish church of St Egidius standing in its northern part.
The Museum of Folk Architecture - Slovakia's oldest open-air museum - is located on the edge of the Bardejov Spa in north-eastern Slovakia. The museum's main sights include two wooden churches that were originally located in the village of Zboj (Orthodox) and the nearby village of Mikulášová (Greek-Catholic).
The Orthodox wooden church of St Nicolas was built in 1775. It consists of three parts and four spaces and is one the typical Lemko variant of the Ruthenian-Ukrainian three-part and three-tower churches. Its Rococo iconostas from 1766 is one of the best preserved in Slovakia. Some icons (St Nicolas, Crucifixion) are from the 17th century. This church was moved to the open air Museum of Folk Architecture in spa ofBardejov in 1967.
Not far away from Bardejov in north-east of Slovakia are the ruins of the Castle Zborov, also called Makovica.
The Roman Catholic wooden Church of St Francis of Assisi (Kostol sv. Františka z Assisi) is in 2008, along with seven wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, it was included on the UNESCO Word Heritage List.
The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Lucas the Evangelist was built in 1826. It consists of three parts and stands on stone masonry. The iconostas of the 18th century also contains several older icons from the 17th century.
The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Lucas the Evangelist. The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Lucas the Evangelist from 1739. This log structure contains three spaces and it stands on the site of an older building from the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Iconostas is from the 17th century, some precious icons painted on wood are from the 17th and 18th centuries. The unique collection of old woodcarvings, parts of the church did not survive.
The Greek Catholic wooden church of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God from 1730 was moved in 1931 to the Museum of Folk Architecture in spa of Bardejov. It is a log structure consisting of three parts with valuable iconostas from the 18th century and with interesting outer coloured decoration. The most recent reconstruction of this church including the stylish wooden fence with two gates finished by the end of September 2005. The original iconostas from the 18th century was again deposited in the interior of the church.
The Greek Catholic wooden church of the Protection of the Saint Gods Mother is from 1763. It is the typical Lemko variation of three-tower and three-part log temple of the Ruthenian-Ukrainian region. The interior decoration is from the 17th and 18th centuries. It contains highly valuable and most complete Rococo iconostas in Slovakia with the altar with the Nativity of the Virgin Mary from 1780. The interior is complemented by precious wooden Baroque chandeliers and liturgical books from the 17th century.