Museum of the Kysuce Village

Open-air museum, Folk museum

The outdoor ethnographic exposition presents the "kopanice" type of scattered settlements in hilly areas which was typical of the Kysuce region.

The outdoor ethnographic exposition presents the "kopanice" type of scattered settlements in hilly areas which was typical of the Kysuce region.

The main reason for the establishment of the Museum of Kysuce Village was to save rare objects of folk architecture from the villages of Riečnica and Harvelka that would have otherwise been inundated due to the construction of Nová Bystrica dam. Gradually, structures used for dwelling, farming, technical or sacral purposes from several villages of the Kysuce region have been relocated to the Museum, which started its pilot operation in 1981.

In situ constructions – seasonal shelters for shepherds, so called "cholvárky" have also been preserved in the open-air Museum. The centre of the village comprises the Chapel of Virgin Mary - Lady of the Rosary from Zborov nad Bystricou, an inn from the village of Korňa and the oldest dwelling house from 1806 from Oščadnica. The quiet environment, spacious area of the exposition and beautiful natural surroundings stimulate the interest of its visitors.

Every Sunday during the tourist season (May – October) the Museum offers its visitors cultural events with a varied programme and presents the Museum as an authentic village, specifically through breeding livestock, cultivation of crops and authentic cuisine consisting of dishes from the years long past, times of our grandmothers.

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Operation Times

Monday – Friday09:0017:00
Saturday – Sunday09:0018:00

Weather Forecast

Snow icon
-2°C/ -7°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
Snow icon
-2°C/ -8°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
Snow icon
-3°C/ -9°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
Light snow icon
Light snow
-1°C/ -9°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
6°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
2°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
3°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Rescue station for injured animals Zázrivá

Záchranná stanica v Zázrivej je určená na záchranu poranených, chorých alebo inak postihnutých voľne žijúcich živočíchov a opustených mláďat. Zaoberáme sa ich liečením, rehabilitáciou, prípravou na vypúštanie a samostatným návratom vyliečených jedincov do prírody.

Diery (Malá Fatra Mts.)

The village Štefanová with numerous buildings built in traditional style is situated in the north-west of Slovakia at the foothill of the mountain Veľký Rozsutec (1,610 m).

Terchovský vláčik

Terchovský vláčik

Terchová, Štefanová a Vrátna dolina patria medzi klenoty Malej Fatry a lákajú množstvo turistov a výletníkov. Okrem aktívneho výletu si čaro prírody môžete teraz vychutnať aj prostredníctvom vyhliadkovej jazdy Terchovským vláčikom.

Vŕšky Brewery

The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

National Park of Malá Fatra

National Park of Malá Fatra

The National Park of Malá Fatra is situated in the westernmost Slovak high mountains Malá Fatra. Gorges, rock peaks and an attractive ridge tour are among its attractions.

Vrátna valley (Malá Fatra Mts.)

Vrátna valley (Malá Fatra Mts.)

The only access road to the Vrátna valley, the most attractive part of the Malá Fatra Mts. is from the village Terchová. The Vrátna valley has four points of access: Tiesňavy, Stará dolina, Nová dolina and Starý dvor.

Zipline Kubínska

Zipline Kubínska

The longest and most modern ZIPLINE in Central and Eastern Europe with a length of 1234 m is guaranteed to take your breath away.

Bukovský minerálny prameň

Bukovský minerálny prameň bol vyhlásený za prírodnú pamiatka v roku 1973. Pôvodne vytekal v lese nad Bukovským potokom, po výstavbe cesty dolinou bol jeho odtok prevedený rúrou popod túto cestu a výtok bol upravený tak, že voda vyteká z kamennej steny rovno do potoka. Prameň bol v roku 2007 upravený.

Vojtovské minerálne pramene

Pramene sú pomenované podľa svojho výskytu - všetky tri pramene sa nachádzajú na severnom svahu Vojtovského kopca, ktorý uzatvára z južnej strany hranicu mesta Čadca nad údolím nazývaným Rieka. Trasa k prameňom je dobre značená.

Trojmedzie - miesto, kde sa stretávajú tri štáty

Trojmedzie je miesto, kde sa stretávajú hranice Slovenska, Česka a Poľska. Z tohto bodu pokračuje 541 km slovensko-poľskej a 251 km slovensko-českej hranice. Na Trojmedzí môžete tak zažiť aj ojedinelý zážitok - stáť naraz v troch štátoch. Trojmedzný bod sa nachádza v strži koryta potoka hlbokom 8 m a širokom 34 m a je stredom kružnice opísanej vrcholmi rovnoramenného trojuholníka. Vrcholy trojuholníka tvoria 240 cm vysoké žulové monolity.

Orava rafting

Orava rafting

Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

Escape Plan

Escape Plan

The only ESCAPE PLAN in the whole region can be found in Námestovo. The three rooms Mystery Traveler's Mystery, Thegodfather and Family Mystery are the ideal place to spend your free time with family or friends. The principle of the game is the development of the team spirit of the team and systematically helps to improve group performance.

Laser Game VOLCANO

Laser Game VOLCANO

Experience an adrenaline shooter in Námestovo as well! Come and enjoy a pleasant time with friends, where you have fun.

Go down the river by raft

Go down the river by raft

A unique rafting trip on the river Orava under the Red and White Rocks. In addition to the unforgettable scenery during the cruise, visitors have the opportunity to refresh themselves with a regional drink with a cultural insert.

Vŕšky Brewery

The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

Offering a seasonal outdoor pool and ski-to-door access, Koliba u Kuba a rekreačné domy is set in Hruštín in the Žilinský kraj Region. Wisła is 48 km away. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property.

Pivovar Kastelán

Túžba po vlastnom čapovanom pive v príjemnej reštaurácií pod majestátnym bralom Oravského hradu nás viedla k založeniu minipivovaru Kastelán.

Kysucká izba

Kysucká izba

Kysuckú izbu nájdete na železničnej stanici v Čadci. Pre cestujúcu, ale aj necestujúcu verejnosť ponúka široký výber alkoholických a nealkoholických nápojov, čerstvých zeleninových šalátov, obložených bagiet, čerstvo zapekaných panini, jadranskú kopčekovú zmrzlinu a iné občerstvenie. Kysucká izba ponúka posedenie s kapacitou 45 miest vo vnútri a 28 miest na terase.

Penzión Koliba

Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

Penzión Villa Helia

Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

Penzión Severka

Offering ski-to-door access and a ski school, Penzión Severka is located in Oravská Lesná in the Žilinský kraj Region, 39 km from Wisła. The guest house has a children's playground and ski storage space, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant.

Hotel Havrania

Hotel Havrania features free access to the wellness area, free WiFi and a TV in all units. A free tennis court, a gazebo and a restaurant with an extensive wine list are available. Kozinec Ski Centre is 1.5 km away.

Chata Plemenár

Chata Plemenár

Chata Plemenár is a mountain cottage in the ski resort SNOWPARADISE Veľká Rača. It is located in the Dedovka area, near the top station of the cableway.

Hájenka Zázrivá APARTMENTS

Hájenka Zázrivá APARTMENTS

Ubytovacie zariadenie Hájenka Zázrivá APARTMENTS sa nachádza v obci Zázrivá v Žilinskom kraji a ponúka ubytovanie s bezplatným súkromným parkoviskom. Ubytovanie v štýlových apartmánoch v v historickej drevenici v malebnej dedinke Zázrivá. Ubytovanie je k dispozícii v dvoch plne zariadených mezonetových apartmánoch. Cenník: celý CHALET........350.- eur/noc apartmán DeLuxe od 125.- eur/noc apartmán PREMIUM od 150.- eur/noc

Penzión Jánošíkova Valaška ***

Penzión Jánošíkova Valaška ***

Penzión Jánošíkova valaška poskytuje ubytovanie v malebnej dedinke Terchová v regióne Malá Fatra, v krajina pod majestátnym Veľkým Rozsutcom opradenej mnohými tajomnými legendami a zároveň rodiskom nášho hrdinu Juraja Jánošíka.

Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

Offering a seasonal outdoor pool and ski-to-door access, Koliba u Kuba a rekreačné domy is set in Hruštín in the Žilinský kraj Region. Wisła is 48 km away. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property.

Penzión Koliba

Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

Penzión Villa Helia

Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

Bike Park v Snowparadise Veľká Rača

V Bike parku sa nachádza 5 vyznačených tratí pre zjazd na horských bicykloch v celkovej dĺžke až 10,6 km. Na svoje si prídu rodiny s deťmi aj skúsení jazdci. Náročnejšie trate obsahujú prírodné aj umelé skoky, vlny či klopené zákruty a ich povrch je prevažne prírodný.

Rodinka Resort v Oščadnici

Rodinka Resort je športovo-rekreačný areál, ktorý sa nachádza v stredisku cestovného ruchu Veľká Rača, približne 300 m od zastavanej časti obce Oščadnica. Je vzdialený 7,3 km od hlavnej cesty vedúcej zo Žiliny do Čadce. V samotnom areáli sa nachádza chata Kamilka, chata Michaela, ihrisko a lezecká stena, wellness a požičovňa. Absolútnou novinkou je Adventure golf.

Driving an Armored Transporter

Driving an Armored Transporter

With our experienced instructor, you will experience a ride in the BVP in challenging terrain through forest, streams and, of course, there will be no mud. After all, what would it be like off-road driving if you didn't enjoy it with all the greatness. Your task will be to stick to it and enjoy an unforgettable ride in an armored personnel carrier in the terrain, which you would not dare even in an off-road car.

Zipline Kubínska

Zipline Kubínska

The longest and most modern ZIPLINE in Central and Eastern Europe with a length of 1234 m is guaranteed to take your breath away.

AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

AquaRelax is a modern aqua park in Dolný Kubín, outstanding for its unique pyramid architecture. It uses only crystal-clear water in stainless steel pools.

Mestské kúpalisko v Čadci

Mestské kúpalisko v Čadci bolo vybudované v priebehu jedného roka a otvorilo svoje brány širokej verejnosti 1. júla 2017. Kúpalisko má k dispozícii plaveckú časť i priestor pre detské atrakcie. Voda v bazéne sa ohrieva na cca 28 °C.

Orava rafting

Orava rafting

Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

Escape Plan

Escape Plan

The only ESCAPE PLAN in the whole region can be found in Námestovo. The three rooms Mystery Traveler's Mystery, Thegodfather and Family Mystery are the ideal place to spend your free time with family or friends. The principle of the game is the development of the team spirit of the team and systematically helps to improve group performance.

Laser Game VOLCANO

Laser Game VOLCANO

Experience an adrenaline shooter in Námestovo as well! Come and enjoy a pleasant time with friends, where you have fun.

Go down the river by raft

Go down the river by raft

A unique rafting trip on the river Orava under the Red and White Rocks. In addition to the unforgettable scenery during the cruise, visitors have the opportunity to refresh themselves with a regional drink with a cultural insert.

Skanzen Vychylovka

Pamiatky ľudovej architektúry, neopísateľná flóra a fauna, i tak hľadané ticho, to ponúka Skanzen Vychylovka. Odkaz starých a prastarých rodičov ležiaci v malebnom prostredí Chmúrnej doliny dokáže pre svojich návštevníkov priniesť spomienky na mladosť, spoznávať históriu, ba aj osvetliť kopaničiarsky spôsob osídlenia, ktorý bol charakteristický práve pre Kysuce.

Forest Railway of Vychylovka

Forest Railway of Vychylovka

The narrow gauge Historic Forest Railway in Vychylovka in the Kysuce region in northwestern Slovakia is a technological masterpiece of world prominence operating in the area that divides the Kysuce and Orava regions.

Orava Logging Railway

Orava Logging Railway

In practice, the logging railway in Oravská Lesná in Orava was not only cheaper with respect to the construction and operation, compared to the conventional railways, but it also could cope with a very rugged terrain. Nowadays, it is not used for the original purpose – the transport of timber, but it serves as an attraction of the Orava Museum.

Exposition of the Orava Logging Railway

Exposition of the Orava Logging Railway

The Orava Museum established the exposition of the Orava Logging Railway and the Orava Co-ownership Association in the reconstructed premises of the service building and it will be pleased to welcome anybody coming to this beautiful part of Slovakia to spend their time in a pleasant manner and to have some new experience.

Slovenský orloj

Najväčšia drevená socha na Slovensku sa nachádza v Starej Bystrici. Má podobu sediacej Sedembolestnej Panny Márie - patrónky Slovenska. Na jeho realizácii sa podieľalo viacero architektov, rezbárov, technikov, stavbárov, kamenárov zo Slovenska a Českej republiky.

Chapel in Haladeji

Chapel in Haladeji

Kysuce - it is not only magical nature, but also beautiful monuments. And when these two attributes come together, a beautiful place like the Chapel at Haladej can be created. It is built in the heart of virgin nature, in a place where time seems to have got stuck in a moment.

The monument of Juraj Jánošík (Terchová)

The monument of Juraj Jánošík (Terchová)

The most famous highwayman, Juraj Jánošík, was born in the mountainous village of Terchová in the north-west of Slovakia. The inhabitants of Terchová had a statue of their native made to guard the entrance to the Vrátna valley.

Kysuce Regional Gallery

Kysuce Regional Gallery

The Kysuce Regional Gallery was founded in 1981, with its seat being located in the Town House on Hlinkova Street in the town of Čadca. It has a branch in the manor house in Oščadnica.

Homeland Museum in Krásno nad Kysucou

Homeland Museum in Krásno nad Kysucou

Homeland Museum in Krásno nad Kysucou belongs to the administration of the Kysucké Museum in Čadca. It offers visitors an interesting and immensely attractive permanent exhibition called "Kysucká Odyssey", thanks to which it is possible in one place to discover the rich history of Kysuce from the oldest mammoth hunters through the age of Juraj Turzo to centuries of space flights.

Events Around
