You will find this local museum in a preserved original wooden house in the center of the village. The wooden stairs take you through the gantry to a world where time has stopped. In the breeze of the past, it will be shown to you how the household lived, when after modesty they cooked on a "špohret", slept in one room for several generations, and there they also worked behind backpacks or a spinning wheel. You will take a look at the chest of traditional Šumava folk costumes and you will get acquainted with the temperament of hard-working Šumiačans, who still know how to diversify their ordinary moments with folk dancing and singing. The original songs and dances in the village are preserved by the Folklore Ensemble of Šumiačany, to which another part of the Šumia room is dedicated. In addition to merriment, life also brings cruel moments that accompanied the Šumava paratroopers. In the Šumia Room, they paid tribute to their dedication and the memory of a native Juraj Kriváň, who tragically died during the air action.