As in the Slovak Paradise, you can admire an interesting karst relief, massive rock cliffs and waterfalls created on the site of a flowing stream (for all of them we can mention the very attractive Zbojnícky waterfall).
The narrowest point of the gorge, which together with the immediate surroundings is considered to be the most beautiful part of the reservation, is called Surovcov tisk. This name was given to the legendary Tisovsky bandit Surovec, who allegedly once raced through the gorge, fleeing from the ravines, whose clumsy feet unfamiliar with the demanding, difficult terrain could not compete with him in any way.
The current visitor of Čertova dolina has a considerable advantage over the ravines and the bandit Surovec - the exposed areas of the gorge are now equipped with ladders, footbridges and other aids enabling a relatively comfortable transition. There are also several caves in the Čertova dolina nature reserve, the most important of which is the Čertova Cave, which is also called Zbojnícká, inaccessible to the public, because according to legend, the aforementioned Surovec and his retinue were scarce in it. Another interesting feature of the valley is the fact that about 20-30 meters above its bottom there is a cog railway. The train running (although quite rarely) over the heads of visitors is a rarity unparalleled in any other distress in Slovakia.
The Devil's Valley is accessible via the circular Surveyor's Trail of Jakub Surovec, the starting point of which is the Zbojská saddle (specifically the Zbojnícky dvor).