Lom pri Skrabskom

Nature Interest

Na samom okraji zemplínskej obce Skrabské sa nachádza dávno opustený, spodnou vodou zaplavený lom, v ktorom sa v minulosti ťažili vápenité sliene.

Dejiny lomu sú úzko späté s niekdajšou prvou modernou cementárňou na Slovensku, ktorú tu v roku 1856 založil Jozef Benczúr. Dnes je kameňolom, resp. jazero, na ktoré sa premenil, obľúbeným miestom turistov z blízkeho okolia. Vyznačuje sa nádhernou tyrkysovou vodou, čo v spojitosti s prírodou, ktorá ho obkolesuje, vytvára romantickú scenériu pripomínajúcu americký „divoký západ“. Voda v lome je čistá a v lete sa využíva i na kúpanie (avšak len na vlastné riziko).

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094 33Skrabské
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Monday – Sunday00:0024:00

Weather Forecast

Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
5°C/ 4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
5°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
4°C/ 3°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Snow icon
3°C/ 1°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
Rain and snow icon
Rain and snow
3°C/ 2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
Rain and snow icon
Rain and snow
2°C/ 0°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Snow icon
1°C/ 1°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s

Places Around

Veľká Domaša

The green pearl of eastern Slovakia – the water reservoir Veľká Domaša, built on the river Ondava, is situated in the mountains Ondavská vrchovina. Warm climate of the lake favours water sports and fishing.

Slovak opal mines

Slovak opal mines

A world-unique location of the oldest opal mines extends amidst the realm of Slánske vrchy mountains. The Dubnik mines are an internationally, historically, and culturally important area whose roots date back to pre-Roman times. Precious Slovak opal enchanted many monarchs, alchemists, and poets. Even today, it may also fascinate you.


K prírodným zaujímavostiam, či neživým hračkám prírody, patria rozličné skalné útvary, ktoré sa v ľudskej fantázii prepájajú s magickými príbehmi a čarovnými schopnosťami. K takýmto miestam patrí aj Raslavkameň.

Alcea – Požičovňa lodí

Splavte s nami zemplínske rieky Ondavu, Laborec, Topľu, Cirochu, Latoricu. Požičiame Vám kanoe s príslušenstvom a dopravíme ich na miesto štartu a z miesta cieľa. Vybrané úseky riek sú vhodné aj pre úplných začiatočníkov. Možnosť viacdenných splavov.

ZOO PARK in Stropkov

ZOO PARK in Stropkov

Opened all year round, the ZOO Park in the east-Slovak town of Stropkov, situated in the Nízke Beskydy Mts., is an attractive cultural and educational facility, the only one of its kind in Slovakia.

The geyser of Herľany

The geyser of Herľany

The favourite destination in the environs of Košice is undoubtedly Herľany. The special attraction of this former spa is the famous geyser of Herľany.

Hotel Zelená Lagúna ****

Hotel Zelená Lagúna ****

Hotel Zelená Lagúna **** is situated on the shores of one of the cleanest bodies of water in Slovakia – the Veľká Domaša Dam.

Hotel Polo ***

Hotel Polo ***

Located only 3 km from the centre of Presov, the modern Baroque-inspired style Hotel Polo offers a basketball court, free Wi-Fi and free private parking.

Lanové centrum Outdoorpark Prešov

Lanové centrum je športový areál, ktorý ponúka atraktívne programy pre skupiny aj jednotlivcov. Ide o komplex lanových prekážok, ktoré sú umiestnené vo výške 8 až 10 metrov nad zemou, ktoré účastníci prekonávajú po zaškolení inštruktorom. Súčasťou areálu je detská dráha Lanáčik, vonkajšia lezecká stena a tiež kaviareň s veľkou terasou a letný multifunkčný altánok. V areáli parku sú v súčasnosti umiestnené aj sochárske diela vytvorené umelcami počas sympózia “Práci česť”.

Homeland Studies Museum in Hanušovce nad Topľou

Homeland Studies Museum in Hanušovce nad Topľou

The museum was established in 1975 as a museum of the Vranov nad Topľou district. Since 1976, it has been located at the Renaissance and Baroque manor house in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where it also administers another historical building, that of a Renaissance farm building at the neighbouring Renaissance manor house.

Viaduct next to Hanušovce

Viaduct next to Hanušovce

The viaduct next to Hanušovce is a valuable technical monument and the longest railway bridge built in an arched form not only in Slovakia but also in central Europe. It is situated next to Hanušovce, the commune in eastern Slovakia.

Slovak opal mines

Slovak opal mines

Beautiful opal mines in eastern Slovakia are admired in the whole world and now the mines became a valuable technical monument.

Castle Čičva

Castle Čičva

The road south of the Veľká Domaša water reservoir leads below the ruins of the Čičva Castle from the 13th century. The Castle did not survive the last Rákoczis rebellion in 1711 when it was damaged.

Kapušany Castle

Kapušiansky hrad sa vypína vysoko na kopci, takže jeho dominantu je jasne vidno už pri výjazde z Prešova smerom na Vranov nad Topľou. Aj dnes je to ešte krásna, pomerne zachovalá zrúcanina.

Castle Brekov

Castle Brekov

Fans of history will perhaps like to ascend to the ruins of the Brekov Castle rising above the town Humenné on top of the andesite rock with a nice view of the environs, including the towns of Humenné and Strážske.

Solivar near Prešov

Solivar near Prešov

It is historically most important salt deposit in locality Solivar near Prešov in eastern Slovakia with number of preserved technical monuments connected with extraction of salt.

Manor House Humenné

The town Humenné is situated on the middle reach of the Laborec river in the east of Slovakia and it has an originally Renaissance manor house. In the 19th century the manor was reconstructed in the Baroque style, which imitates the French architecture.

Nová Sedlica - church of St Michael the Archangel

Nová Sedlica - church of St Michael the Archangel

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Michael the Archangel was built in 1764. It is a log building of the Lemko type, which consists of three parts and three towers. Iconostas is from the 18th century, some icons are even older - from the 16th and 17th centuries. The building part of the exhibition of popular architecture and dwelling of theMuseum in Humenné inhabits it since 1974-1977 when it was moved there.

Prešov Water Tower

Prešov Water Tower

This former ruin has become a new landmark! The Water Tower, a unique technical monument, has been reconstructed and gives visitors a view over the main town in the Šariš region and the surrounding area.