Rekreačné zariadenie Zlatá Idka
Rekreačné zariadenie Zlatá Idka v Zlatej Idke ponúka 2-hviezdičkové ubytovanie s barom. Z každej izby v tomto 2-hviezdičkovom hoteli sa naskytá výhľad na okolité hory. K dispozícii tu máte bezplatné Wi-Fi. K dispozícii je aj reštaurácia.
Súčasťou izieb je súkromná kúpeľňa a niektoré ubytovacie jednotky v hoteli majú aj balkón.
Denne sa podávajú kontinentálne raňajky.
Košice sú vzdialené 23 km od Rekreačného zariadenia Zlatá Idka. Najbližšie medzinárodné letisko Košice je situované vo vzdialenosti 26 km.
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Places Around
Jasovská cave
The Jasovská cave is situated on the eastern edge of the Slovenský kras karst. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
VIKTORIA Resort - Dam under Bukovec
The Pod Bukovcom reservoir is located near the village of Bukovec - about 4 km west of the outskirts of Košice. It was built on the Ida creek in the 1960s as a utility water emergency tank for the needs of a metallurgical plant (now US Steel). The tank excels with extremely clean water, while its average temperature is approx. 20 ° C.
Údolie Manitou
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Ružín (dam)
The water reservoir lies not far away from Košice in a wonderful natural setting. The big V-shaped lake is a much sought after holiday resort and active relaxation next to water.
Zoological garden in Košice
The Košice Zoological Garden in eastern Slovakia's largest city is, in terms of the area that it covers, one of the largest zoos in Europe.
Children's railway Košice
Parný rušeň Katka vás odvezie z centra mesta do malebnej prírody Alpinky.
Hradová Watchtower
Let´s have a look at Košice from the hight! You can have an experience of a panoramic view of the town from the nearby Hradová Watchtower. It rises on the top of the hill, where a medieval castle used to be located in the past. Access is very simple indeed. You can get there by public transport and a little walking.
Botanical garden in Košice
Botanical garden of University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice – the eastern metropolis – is the largest in Slovakia.
Hájske vodopády
Magical waterfalls hidden in the forests of Hájská dolina (near the road between the villages Háj and Hačava) belong to the most beautiful natural creations in the Slovenský kras.
Zádielska tiesňava - narrow (Slovak karst)
The most popular and most visited place in the easternmost part of the Slovenský kras is the National Nature Reserve Zádielska tiesňava. Zádielska tiesňava always wins enquiries carried out among tourists when they are asked which of the Slovak valleys they consider the most romantic.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****
The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Hotel Bankov - Lujza Restaurant
Unikátna Lujza Restaurant je situovaná v najstaršom hoteli Slovenska z roku 1869 v tichom prostredí košického lesoparku.
Zlatý Orol Guest - House
Located in Helcmanovce, 31 km from Košice, Penzion Zlaty Orol features a children's playground and sun terrace. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
Restaurant & Pension Baránok ***
Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant
Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Krčma Letná
Krčma Letná má so skutočnou krčmou spoločný asi iba názov. V skutočnosti ide o modernú zrekonštruovanú reštauráciu, ktorá je fascinujúcim dizajnérskym skvostom.
The Staromestská piváreň (Old Town Brewery)
Staromestská piváreň je typická česká krčmička v prekrásnom dome z 19. storočia, ktorá si vás získa pravou starosvetskou atmosférou. Tú dotvára predovšetkým veselá a komunikatívna obsluha a celodrevený interiér.
Pivovar Golem
Golem je známa košická piváreň s vlastným pivom a s najlepším nakladaným hermelínom v okolí. Nachádza sa priamo v centre Košíc, v 500-ročnomhistorickom dome, ktorého interiér pripomína klasickú českú hospôdku.
Caffé Trieste
Talianske mestečko Terst je miesto, kde sa káva nepije, ale vychutnáva. To isté platí o kaviarni Caffé Trieste, ktorá prináša tradíciu a atmosféru severotalianskeho prístavného mesta do centra Košíc.
Bamboo sushi & grill bar
Bamboo sushi & grill bar je prvou košickou reštauráciou špecializovanou na sushi. Reštaurácia má veľmi príjemný interiér, ktorý spája prvky ázijskej kultúry s európskym štýlom stolovania.
Hotel Garden ***
Located in a quiet area in Košická Belá, Hotel Garden offers a seasonal outdoor pool, a garden with free barbecue facilities and a fireplace, and free WiFi in all areas. Free parking is available on-site.
Autokemping Jasov
Autokemping Jasov sa nachádza v obci Jasov a ponúka ubytovanie s bezplatným Wi-Fi, záhradu s grilom a výhľad do záhrady.
Hotel & Wellness Lesanka ***
Set just 200 m from Ruzin Dam, Hotel & Wellness Lesanka offers extensive spa and sport facilities on site as well as free WiFi across the premises. The restaurant with bar serves a selection of Slovak and international dishes and beverages.
Sivec Guest - House ***
Situated in the village of Košická Belá and the Ruzin Water Dam reachable within 200 metres, Penzión Sivec offers accommodation with a restaurant, a bar, table tennis, a 24-hour front desk, a garden and a terrace.
Údolie Manitou
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****
The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Zlatý Orol Guest - House
Located in Helcmanovce, 31 km from Košice, Penzion Zlaty Orol features a children's playground and sun terrace. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
Restaurant & Pension Baránok ***
Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant
Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Golf Club Red Fox Malá Ida
Nové deväťjamkové ihrisko v Malej Ide pri Košiciach má rozlohu 30 hektárov. Ihrisko v nádhernej prírodnej scenérii charakterizujú široké ferveje, veľké gríny s variabilným rozmiestnením jamiek, pričom je spestrené vodnými plochami a ramenami potoka.
Vodné športy na Hornáde ponúka splavy a kurzy vhodné pre začiatočníkov, celé rodiny s deťmi, ale aj pre pokročilých vodákov. V Košiciach na Aničke prebiehajú kurzy kanoistiky a v tesnej blízkosti Košíc rafting a splavovanie Hornádu.
Spa Štós
The climatic Štós Spa, which was established in 1883, is located in the picturesque part of southeastern Slovakia and surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery full of fir and pine trees on the boundary of Spišské rudohorie mountain range and the Slovak Karst.
Ballooning Košice
Let balónom nad Košicami - zaručuje úplne iný pohľad na svet. Balón Vám sprostredkuje dobrodružstvo, romantiku, zážitok, vytvára priestor Vašej fantázii, a to v každom ročnom období.
Paintball Dúbrava
Areály Paintball Dúbravka je nové paintballové ihrisko na Spiši, kde sa môžete vyblázniť a zažiť plno adrenalínu. Ihrisko má zatiaľ cca 140 prekážok, 5 bunkrov a 1 most, ale počet stále narastá a rozlohu cca 7500 m2. Ideálny počet hráčov je 8 – 12.
Abbey jasov
The current appearance of the monastery is the work of Austrian artists Franz Anton Pilgram, sculptor Johann Anton Krauss and painter Johann Lucas Kracker. The monastery complex is the largest late Baroque complex in Slovakia and is one of the national cultural monuments. Its construction dates back to the years 1746 - 1766. The Premonstratensian order has lived here with breaks for more than 800 years. As part of the tour, the visitor can see the beautiful Abbey Church of St. John the Baptist, the representative premises of the monastery and the French park.
Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici
Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici patrí k najstarším staviteľským pamiatkam mesta. Je dominantou mesta jednak svojou polohou na úpätí svahu v historickom jadre mesta a jednak svojou veľkosťou, tvarom a výrazom. Je to gotická stavba a pochádza zo 14. storočia.
Eastern Slovakia Museum
The Eastern Slovakia Museum ranks among the oldest and most important museums in Slovakia. Its exhibitions provide visitors with an insight into the history and nature of Eastern Slovakia. The museum features a number of unique exhibits. The museum currently houses more than 500,000 objects, a selection of which is on display in five permanent thematic expositions.
Puppet Theatre in Košice
Bábkové divadlo Košice vzniklo ako štvrté na Slovensku, rozhodnutím zo dňa 17. júna 1959. Prvou premiérou bola hra J. Pehra - L. Spáčila Guliver v Maňuškove v réžii Dr. A. Pogorielova.
Slovak Technical Museum
This museum documents the development of science and technology in Slovakia.It is only one of its kind in our country. During its existence it has gathered more than 16,000 collections and thus it offers its visitors several valuable and interesting expositions.
Kostol dominikánov (Dominikánsky kostol v Košiciach)
Je najstarším kostolom mesta, zároveň najstarším zachovaným objektom Košíc vôbec. Je zasvätený Nanebovzatiu Panny Márie. Jeho veža o 8 metrov prevyšuje vežu Dómu sv. Alžbety a preto je Dominikánsky kostol najvyššou historickou budovou Košíc.
Vojtech Löffler Museum
The artistic core and community centre of contemporary art, which in addition to housing an exposition of the works of the sculptor Vojtech Löffler and unique auto portraits of the most prestigious Košice painters of the 20th century, also maps out and supports the art of painting, also providing space for the presentation of contemporary fine art and the new generation of artists.
State Theatre Košice
História divadelníctva v Košiciach má viac ako šesťstoročnú tradíciu. Divadelné umenie vždy zapúšťa korene tam, kde pre svoj rozkvet a vývoj nachádza vhodnú pôdu. Mesto Košice od svojho zrodu takou pôdou bolo.
Holy Trinity Church
The church is the most valuable Baroque object in Košice, with the most beautiful period interior. You simply cannot omit it on your walk through theHlavná street of the town.
Kaplnka sv. Michala v Košiciach
Z popularity malej Kaplnky sv. Michala "kradne" jej majestátny "sused" Dóm sv. Alžbety. Avšak jedno jej nikto nevezme a tým je jej bohatá história a príbehy, ktoré sa skrývajú za jej stenami, v podzemných útrobách či v jej blízkom okolí.
Motor-car Dopravná
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.