Hotel Auto Jas
Hotel Auto Jas sídli v pokojnej lokalite Nitry. Ponúka vám monitorované parkovisko, reštauráciu s barom a letnou terasou, rôzne športové zariadenia a relaxačné centrum.
V reštaurácii si môžete vychutnať tradičné slovenské špeciality a pokrmy medzinárodnej kuchyne. Zahrajte si bowling, stolný tenis či tenis. Pre deti je pripravené detské ihrisko. Relaxujte v saune alebo počas rôznych masáží.
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Výjazd na diaľnicu R1 Pribina je vzdialený 200 metrov. Centrum Nitry je vzdialené 2 km. Výstavisko je situované vo vzdialenosti 2,9 km. Divadlo Andreja Bagara sa nachádza 3,1 km od hotela Auto Jas.
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Places Around
Botanical garden Nitra
The Botanical garden in Nitra in western Slovakia is the scientific and pedagogic facility owned by the Slovak Agricultural University, focused on the cultural and educational activities.
Lake in Komjatice
The lake is a fishing ground and recreational location. The water provides pleasant refreshment, relaxation and the possibility of active rest for all ages during hot summer days. In winter there are suitable conditions for skating. The surrounding area offers several opportunities for hiking and cycling.
Holiday Resort Water Reservoir Kráľová
The vicinity of the town of Galanta features the holiday resort and water reservoir Kráľová. The water reservoir is located on the Váh River, with forests and fields surrounding the area which is a favourite place for fishermen and water sports fans.
Topoľčianky Bison Park
There is only one place in Slovakia, hidden in beautiful oak forests surrounding the community of Topoľčianky, where one can see Europe´s largest mammal, the European bison, "a close relative" of more known, the North American buffalo.
Château Topoľčianky
Château Topoľčianky is a wine manufacturer established in 1933 in the central part of the Danube plain in the south of the Slovak Republic.
The National Stud Farm in Topoľčianky
Národný žrebčín Topolčianky patrí medzi svetovo najvýznamnejšie žrebčíny a možno ho právom zaradiť za kultúrne dedičstvo národa. Zameriavajú sa na chov 5. plemien koní, Slovenský teplokrvník, Hucul, Arab, Lipican a Nonius. Nachádza sa tu výcvikové centrum, hipologické múzeum a sú zaujímavý aj svojimi budovami, ktoré patria medzi hodnotné architektonické diela.
Kukuričné bludisko - the biggest labyrint of Europe
Čakajú Vás 2 bludiská s trasou cca 2 800 m, ale pri hľadaní stanovíšť sa nachodíte oveľa viac. Ďalej sme pripravili stánok s občerstvením, párty stan, pyramídu z balíkov slamy, rozhľadňu, hry na overenie detských zručností či jazda traktorom. Vstupné: deti od 3r. aj dospelí 2,50 €.
Hotel Mikado ****
Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.
Le Bistro
Le Bistro je trendový podnik v centre starobylej Nitry. Hosťom ponúka francúzsky štýl raňajok, čerstvú kávu a výborné dezerty.
Oko *** Centrum
Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 m from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Hotel Centrál ***
Hotel Centrál Šaľa is situated in Šaľa, 49 km from Piešťany and 24 km from Nitra. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.
Château Topoľčianky
Château Topoľčianky is a wine manufacturer established in 1933 in the central part of the Danube plain in the south of the Slovak Republic.
Hotel Mikado ****
Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.
Grand Hotel Sole
This 4-star Grand Hotel Sole is located in the historic center of Nitra,0.6 mi from Nitra Castle and 500 m from Andrej Bagara Theater. It offers free WiFi and buffet breakfast.
Oko *** Centrum
Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 m from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Hotel Centrál ***
Hotel Centrál Šaľa is situated in Šaľa, 49 km from Piešťany and 24 km from Nitra. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.
Thermal Swimming Pool ThermalPark Nitrava
ThermalPark Nitrava sa nachádza v peknom prostredí v malebnej obci Poľný Kesov, neďaleko Nitry. Je ľahko prístupný do 15 minút jazdy autom z rýchlostnej cesty R1 – NITRA - JUH. ThermalPark Nitrava patrí svojou rozlohou medzi najväčšie na Slovensku.
Retro Thermal Diakovce
V areáli kúpaliska je k dispozícii bazénová časť so štyrmi bazénmi (plavecký bazén, oddychový bazén so strieškou, ležadlami a vodnými tryskami, 2 detské bazény - pre deti do 6 a do 4 rokov), chatová osada, autokempingový tábor a turistická ubytovňa. Areál ďalej ponúka reštauračné a bufetové stravovanie, pribudla pizzéria a kaviareň s terasou s bohatou ponukou jedál a nápojov, koktejl bar pri bazénoch. Športové aktivity na futbalovom a volejbalovom ihrisku a večernú zábavu v miestnom discobare pri živej hudbe.
Thermal Swimming Pool Podhájska
Thermal Swimming Pool with an unique therapeutic geothermal water, with the mineral consistency similar to the Dead Sea water. There are other additional services in the area of swimming pool as massages, sauna etc. The complex is situated in the green area with sculptures made at the regularly organised art symposiums.
Piarist monastery and church - Nitra
Piarist monastery and the church of St Ladislav is one of the dominants of the Lower Town in Nitra.
Synagóga v Nitre
Synagóga v Nitre je vzácnou architektonickou pamiatkou mesta, zapísanou v Ústrednom zozname pamiatkového fondu SR. Nachádza sa v pamiatkovej zóne v centre mesta na Ulici pri Synagóge - v ochrannom pásme mestskej pamiatkovej rezervácie.
Ponitrianske Museum Nitra
Permanent exposition: The jewels of Slovakia's remote past - the exposition enables the public to access a set of valuable relics of material culture from the distant past of Slovakia.
Andrej Bagar Theatre
The theatre of Nitra was created in 1950 and since 1979, it has been bearing the name of the important Slovak actor, director, teacher and organizer of dramatic arts – Andrej Bagar. Since 1992 it has been using one of Slovakia´s largest and most modern theatre buildings.
Gallery of Nitra
Nitra Gallery, founded on January 1st, 1965, has started its exhibitions with a show of Nitra´s artists, both contemporaneous and past. Its activities of exhibition, collection and education surpass local level in their importance and caused the institution to be recognized as being one of district (1968) and regional importance (1972).
Monastery with the church of Sts Peter and Paul - Nitra
The Franciscan monastery with the Church of Sts Peter and Paul is one of the dominants of the Upper Town in Nitra.
Technical monuments of the Slovak Agricultural Museum in Nitra
Slovak Agricultural Museum in Nitra is certainly interesting for visitors whose hobby is technical history connected with farm work. Part of it is an open-air exhibition with a great number of historic technology and a unique field railway.
Cathedral of St Emeram – Nitra
The bishop Cathedral of St Emeram at the Castle of Nitra originated by joining three temples of different age. It consists of the church from the 11th century, originally the Gothic Upper church from the 14th century and the Lower church from the 17th century.
The Castle of Nitra
The dominant of the oldest Slovak town Nitra is the Castle of Nitra. It was built in the 11th century on the site of a bulky Slav fort, the seat of the Nitra Princedom and Great Moravian rulers. Today it is the seat of the Bishopric of Nitra.
Slovak Agricultural Museum Nitra
Nitra, everything that you have ever wanted to know about agriculture can be found here. An open-air museum, Nitra open field of railway and a library are also part of it. The museum covers an area of over 30 hectares.