The museum features 23 historical figures of historic personalities that were either born in the region, were somehow related to it or brought fame to the region throughout the world.
The personalities are arranged on 5 floors with respect to periods of history and topics. Visitors can encounter stonemason Stephen - the architect of St. Elisabeth's Cathedral, St. Elisabeth - the patron saint of the town of Košice, Matthias Corvinus, Sigismund of Luxembourg, Francis II Rákoczi and as regards modern history, Andy Warhol, Janka Guzová, Rudolf Schuster, and others.
On the top floor, the museum presents gifts from mission tours of Jozef Tomka, cardinal.
The museum offers bulletins with pictures of the figures and texts in Slovak, English and Hungarian and a text guide in Slovak, English, German, Russian, French, Hungarian, Polish, and Spanish. The museum provides guides to groups of museum visitors based on agreement.