The Turniansky Castle
The head of the Turňa county resided originally at the Turniansky hrad Castle, ruins of which stand on top of the conspicuous cone-shaped hill west of Košice in the east of Slovakia. Rare flora grows on its limestone slope including the local endemit Onosma tornensis, which can not be found anywhere else in the world.
The aristocratic family of Turniansky built the castle at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. In spite of its fortifications reinforced in 16th century it was taken by the Turks in 1652. It fell in ruins after the fire in 1848.
The legend has that the spirit of the jealous Castle lady, who killed a young nobleman and blamed her sister of the murder appears on the castle walls.
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Places Around
Hájske vodopády
Magical waterfalls hidden in the forests of Hájská dolina (near the road between the villages Háj and Hačava) belong to the most beautiful natural creations in the Slovenský kras.
Zádielska tiesňava - narrow (Slovak karst)
The most popular and most visited place in the easternmost part of the Slovenský kras is the National Nature Reserve Zádielska tiesňava. Zádielska tiesňava always wins enquiries carried out among tourists when they are asked which of the Slovak valleys they consider the most romantic.
Jasovská cave
The Jasovská cave is situated on the eastern edge of the Slovenský kras karst. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Krásnohorská cave
Near the village Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, in the northern edge of the Silická planina plateau in the Slovenský karst, is the entrance to the Krásnohorská cave. The cave boasts the tallest stalagmite in the moderate climate zone. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
VIKTORIA Resort - Dam under Bukovec
The Pod Bukovcom reservoir is located near the village of Bukovec - about 4 km west of the outskirts of Košice. It was built on the Ida creek in the 1960s as a utility water emergency tank for the needs of a metallurgical plant (now US Steel). The tank excels with extremely clean water, while its average temperature is approx. 20 ° C.
Údolie Manitou
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
The abyss of Silická ľadnica is located to the south-west of the village of Silica on the plateau of Silická planina (National Park of Slovak Karst, 22 km far from the town of Rožňava). Due to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Takmer posvätné miesto Rožňavčanov je zároveň obľúbeným cieľom všetkých turistov. Fascinujúci kruhovitý výhľad láka turistov už niekoľko desaťročí pri príležitosti organizovaných výstupov, ale aj individuálnych túr.
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant
Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****
The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Zlatý Orol Guest - House
Located in Helcmanovce, 31 km from Košice, Penzion Zlaty Orol features a children's playground and sun terrace. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
Pivovar Kaltenecker - Brewery
“Život je krátky na jednu chuť piva.”
Tri ruže
Štýlová reštaurácia Tri ruže je situovaná na západnej strane Námestia baníkov v Rožňave priamo v budove historickej Radnice. Masívne starožitné skrine, klavír, kyvadlové hodiny a originálne olejomaľby vdychujú interiéru atmosféru minulých čias.
The Horse Yard Pension **
The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.
Hotel Bankov - Lujza Restaurant
Unikátna Lujza Restaurant je situovaná v najstaršom hoteli Slovenska z roku 1869 v tichom prostredí košického lesoparku.
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant
Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Autokemping Jasov
Autokemping Jasov sa nachádza v obci Jasov a ponúka ubytovanie s bezplatným Wi-Fi, záhradu s grilom a výhľad do záhrady.
Kúpele Štós
In the enchanting corner of south-eastern Slovakia, in the bosom of picturesque nature, full of fragrant firs and spruces on the border of the Spiš Ore Mountains and the Slovak Karst, lies the climatic Spa Štós. The spa is destined to make you feel good here. The price of the stay includes half board, an initial medical examination and, in addition, the procedures you choose according to what your body needs.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****
The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Zlatý Orol Guest - House
Located in Helcmanovce, 31 km from Košice, Penzion Zlaty Orol features a children's playground and sun terrace. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
The Horse Yard Pension **
The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.
Údolie Manitou
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Spa Štós
The climatic Štós Spa, which was established in 1883, is located in the picturesque part of southeastern Slovakia and surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery full of fir and pine trees on the boundary of Spišské rudohorie mountain range and the Slovak Karst.
Golf Club Red Fox Malá Ida
Nové deväťjamkové ihrisko v Malej Ide pri Košiciach má rozlohu 30 hektárov. Ihrisko v nádhernej prírodnej scenérii charakterizujú široké ferveje, veľké gríny s variabilným rozmiestnením jamiek, pričom je spestrené vodnými plochami a ramenami potoka.
Abbey jasov
The current appearance of the monastery is the work of Austrian artists Franz Anton Pilgram, sculptor Johann Anton Krauss and painter Johann Lucas Kracker. The monastery complex is the largest late Baroque complex in Slovakia and is one of the national cultural monuments. Its construction dates back to the years 1746 - 1766. The Premonstratensian order has lived here with breaks for more than 800 years. As part of the tour, the visitor can see the beautiful Abbey Church of St. John the Baptist, the representative premises of the monastery and the French park.
Mining Museum in Rožňava
The Mining Museum in Rožňava, which is more than a hundred years old, is one of three specialized mining museums in Slovakia and serves as the district museum of national history and geography. Its function is to preserve not only artifacts from the field of mining and metallurgy, but also collections from various disciplines.
Church of Ascension of the Virgin Mary in Rožňava
The most valuable sacral building of Rožňava is the Catholic church of Ascension of the Virgin Mary, which was originally a parish church. It is the bishop cathedral since 1776.
Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici
Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici patrí k najstarším staviteľským pamiatkam mesta. Je dominantou mesta jednak svojou polohou na úpätí svahu v historickom jadre mesta a jednak svojou veľkosťou, tvarom a výrazom. Je to gotická stavba a pochádza zo 14. storočia.
Aviation Museum Košice
The first aviation museum in Slovakia presents development of aviation and aviation technology. In its five hangars you can see 52 airplanes and helicopters and older aviation technology that especially comprises a precious collection of aircraft engines, measuring and navigation devices and other equipment. The Museum of Aviation presents four historical stages.
The Manor House Betliar
North-west of Rožňava in the east of Slovakia, in the valley of the Slaná river is the fairy tale-like two-storied manor house Betliar with four corner towers. It is a stately hunting manor surrounded by a wonderful English park with romantic structures including an artificial cave and waterfall. Its interior is equally interesting, as it contains a picture gallery, music and hunting halls, a library, antique furniture and exotic collections. Its reconstruction won a EUROPA NOSTRA award.
Kalvínsky kostol v Košiciach
Štyridsaťosem metrov vysoká štíhla veža s kovovým kohútom na samom vrchu. To je Kalvínsky kostol na Hrnčiarskej ulici v Košiciach. Jednoduchý interiér, pestrá história. Pamiatka, ktorú by ste pri spoznávaní Košíc nemali vynechať. V rokoch 1805 - 1811 zo starého trojposchodového vojenského skladu v hradbách mesta kalvíni vystavali svoj kostol. Do charakteristicky jednoduchého dreveného interiéru kostola umiestnili iba bohoslužobné nádoby, pôvodne uložené v drevenom chráme na Moldavskej ulici. V kostole okrem výzdoby chýba i oltár. Vnútornému priestoru dominuje krásna dobová kazateľnica a vynikajúci organ pochádzajúci roku 1813. Veža kostola bola do dnešnej výšky dostavaná v roku 1895. Zdobí ju kovový kohút pochádzajúci z roku 1689, ktorý kedysi sídlil na veži Dómu sv. Alžbety. Kostol má úctyhodnú kapacitu 800 ľudí. Objekt a okolie počas rokov striedavo patrili armáde, uršulínskemu a kalvínskemu rádu. Dnes je celý váš a čaká, kým v jeho jednoduchosti objavíte podstatu pokoja a krásy.