Penzióny Energy I, II ponúkajú svojim hosťom komfortné ubytovanie v tesnej blízkosti termálneho kúpaliska Podhájska. Hosťom je k dispozícii spolu 42 izieb a 5 priestranných apartmánov, ktoré uspokoja aj náročného zákazníka. K doplnkovým službám patrí: návšteva rímskych kúpeľov, parkovisko, organizovanie výletov do okolia, ochutnávka vín, grilovačka, tanečná zábava ( organizované až po dohode s personálom hotela) ...
Nachádzajú sa v objekte penziónu Energy I. Jedinečnosť našich Rímskych Kúpelov spočíva vo výlučnom využití pravej termálnej vody zo žriedla Podhájska. Termálna voda zo žriedla Podhájska má blahodárny účinok na celý ľudský organizmus, pomáha aj pri širokom spektre zdravotných problémov, ako sú napríklad: astma, kožné problémy (ekzémy, vyrážky ...), ochorenia pohybového ústrojenstva, doliečovanie zlomenín, choroby dýchacích ciest ... V priestoroch rímskych kúpeľov nájdete veľký sedací bazén s termálnou vodou, jakuzu, bublinkový Kleopatrin kúpeľ, sauny ( bylinkovú, soľná, slovenská, fínska), manikúru, pedikúru, kozmetiku, masáže, vaňové kúpele a mnoho ďalšieho.
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Thermal Swimming Pool with an unique therapeutic geothermal water, with the mineral consistency similar to the Dead Sea water. There are other additional services in the area of swimming pool as massages, sauna etc. The complex is situated in the green area with sculptures made at the regularly organised art symposiums.
Nitriansky hrádok in south-western Slovakia is called the Slovak Troy because it has its own Helen - the Venus of Hrádok. A splendid monument was built to honour this beautiful prehistoric statuette.
Ortodoxná synagóga v Šuranoch je zaradená medzi národné kultúrne pamiatky a patrí medzi s kvosty synagogálnej architektúry na Slovensku. Od roku 2007 je tiež sídlom expozície Mestského múzea, ktorá dokumentuje vývoj spoločnosti, mesta a najbližšieho okolia.
The lake is a fishing ground and recreational location. The water provides pleasant refreshment, relaxation and the possibility of active rest for all ages during hot summer days. In winter there are suitable conditions for skating. The surrounding area offers several opportunities for hiking and cycling.
Počuli ste už o lokalite Fidvár pri Vrábľoch? Jedná sa o praveké sídlisko, ktoré vzniklo tým, že ľudia niekoľko tisícročí sídlili na jednom mieste, terén upravovali, planírovali, navážali a podobne. Má rozlohu viac ako 20 hektárov a je teda väčšia ako Mykény, či maloázijská Trója!
ThermalPark Nitrava sa nachádza v peknom prostredí v malebnej obci Poľný Kesov, neďaleko Nitry. Je ľahko prístupný do 15 minút jazdy autom z rýchlostnej cesty R1 – NITRA - JUH. ThermalPark Nitrava patrí svojou rozlohou medzi najväčšie na Slovensku.
If you wish to immerse in the star mysteries for a while, do not hesitate to visit the Tekovská hvezdáreň Observatory in Levice. You might be lucky to see trough the telescope a friendly extra-Terrestrial being waving at you.
The Mojmírovce Mansion is situated 15 km southwards from the region center Nitra in the village of Mojmírovce. The first written reference to a former town with rich history dates back to 1156. There are several monuments in the village that are a testimony to its interesting past. One of them is the aforementioned Mojmírovce Mansion that is located in the romantic setting of a park reserve.
The Castle is the most important dominant of the town Levice. It is from the end of the 13th century. It stands on top of volcanic rock protuberance above the swamps of the Hron river. It was the sentry fort guarding the road leading to central Slovakian mining towns.
Situated in the historical centre of Levice town and a pedestrian zone reachable within a 5-minute walk, Hotel Golden Eagle offers en-suite accommodation, a restaurant, a bar, a sun terrace, a garden, a 24-hour front desk and free wellness facilities. Free WiFi is available in all areas.
In the middle of the fields near Veľké Vozokany, not far from Zlaté Moravce in the sout-west of Slovakia, a bronze lion erects from a stone pedestal. It commemorates the battle between the Turkish and the Hungarian armies in 1652.
The town Hurbanovo is notorious not only for the locally produced beer Zlatý bažant, but above all for the oldest Slovak observatory, history of which initiated in 1871.
A neoclassical manor house, which is located in an extensive and quiet park in the village of Beladice - Pustý Chotár a mere few kilometres outside Nitra, is home to an extraordinary gallery.
Nitra, everything that you have ever wanted to know about agriculture can be found here. An open-air museum, Nitra open field of railway and a library are also part of it. The museum covers an area of over 30 hectares.
Takzvané Parížske močiare, najväčšie súvislé trstinové močiare na celom Slovensku, sa rozkladajú medzi obcami Gbelce a Nová Vieska v okrese Nové Zámky. Močiare predstavujú jednu z posledných pôvodných, a zároveň jednu najhodnotnejších lokalít vodného vtáctva u nás. Hniezdi tu viac ako 170 druhov vtákov, z ktorých niektoré sa nevyskytujú nikde inde na Slovensku.
The Botanical garden in Nitra in western Slovakia is the scientific and pedagogic facility owned by the Slovak Agricultural University, focused on the cultural and educational activities.
Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 m from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.
The lake is a fishing ground and recreational location. The water provides pleasant refreshment, relaxation and the possibility of active rest for all ages during hot summer days. In winter there are suitable conditions for skating. The surrounding area offers several opportunities for hiking and cycling.
Takzvané Parížske močiare, najväčšie súvislé trstinové močiare na celom Slovensku, sa rozkladajú medzi obcami Gbelce a Nová Vieska v okrese Nové Zámky. Močiare predstavujú jednu z posledných pôvodných, a zároveň jednu najhodnotnejších lokalít vodného vtáctva u nás. Hniezdi tu viac ako 170 druhov vtákov, z ktorých niektoré sa nevyskytujú nikde inde na Slovensku.
The Botanical garden in Nitra in western Slovakia is the scientific and pedagogic facility owned by the Slovak Agricultural University, focused on the cultural and educational activities.
Situated in the historical centre of Levice town and a pedestrian zone reachable within a 5-minute walk, Hotel Golden Eagle offers en-suite accommodation, a restaurant, a bar, a sun terrace, a garden, a 24-hour front desk and free wellness facilities. Free WiFi is available in all areas.
Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 m from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.
Situated in the historical centre of Levice town and a pedestrian zone reachable within a 5-minute walk, Hotel Golden Eagle offers en-suite accommodation, a restaurant, a bar, a sun terrace, a garden, a 24-hour front desk and free wellness facilities. Free WiFi is available in all areas.
Set in the heart of the ancient city of Nitra, 100 m from the pedestrian zone, Hotel Oko is close to many tourist attractions, such as St. Emmeram's Cathedral. It offers free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Situated just 800 m from Nitra’s city centre, Mikado Hotel offers large rooms with spacious bathrooms. Facilities include a wellness centre with indoor pool and a squash court.
Thermal Swimming Pool with an unique therapeutic geothermal water, with the mineral consistency similar to the Dead Sea water. There are other additional services in the area of swimming pool as massages, sauna etc. The complex is situated in the green area with sculptures made at the regularly organised art symposiums.
ThermalPark Nitrava sa nachádza v peknom prostredí v malebnej obci Poľný Kesov, neďaleko Nitry. Je ľahko prístupný do 15 minút jazdy autom z rýchlostnej cesty R1 – NITRA - JUH. ThermalPark Nitrava patrí svojou rozlohou medzi najväčšie na Slovensku.
Nitriansky hrádok in south-western Slovakia is called the Slovak Troy because it has its own Helen - the Venus of Hrádok. A splendid monument was built to honour this beautiful prehistoric statuette.
Ortodoxná synagóga v Šuranoch je zaradená medzi národné kultúrne pamiatky a patrí medzi s kvosty synagogálnej architektúry na Slovensku. Od roku 2007 je tiež sídlom expozície Mestského múzea, ktorá dokumentuje vývoj spoločnosti, mesta a najbližšieho okolia.
Počuli ste už o lokalite Fidvár pri Vrábľoch? Jedná sa o praveké sídlisko, ktoré vzniklo tým, že ľudia niekoľko tisícročí sídlili na jednom mieste, terén upravovali, planírovali, navážali a podobne. Má rozlohu viac ako 20 hektárov a je teda väčšia ako Mykény, či maloázijská Trója!
If you wish to immerse in the star mysteries for a while, do not hesitate to visit the Tekovská hvezdáreň Observatory in Levice. You might be lucky to see trough the telescope a friendly extra-Terrestrial being waving at you.
The Mojmírovce Mansion is situated 15 km southwards from the region center Nitra in the village of Mojmírovce. The first written reference to a former town with rich history dates back to 1156. There are several monuments in the village that are a testimony to its interesting past. One of them is the aforementioned Mojmírovce Mansion that is located in the romantic setting of a park reserve.
The Castle is the most important dominant of the town Levice. It is from the end of the 13th century. It stands on top of volcanic rock protuberance above the swamps of the Hron river. It was the sentry fort guarding the road leading to central Slovakian mining towns.
In the middle of the fields near Veľké Vozokany, not far from Zlaté Moravce in the sout-west of Slovakia, a bronze lion erects from a stone pedestal. It commemorates the battle between the Turkish and the Hungarian armies in 1652.
The town Hurbanovo is notorious not only for the locally produced beer Zlatý bažant, but above all for the oldest Slovak observatory, history of which initiated in 1871.
A neoclassical manor house, which is located in an extensive and quiet park in the village of Beladice - Pustý Chotár a mere few kilometres outside Nitra, is home to an extraordinary gallery.
Nitra, everything that you have ever wanted to know about agriculture can be found here. An open-air museum, Nitra open field of railway and a library are also part of it. The museum covers an area of over 30 hectares.