Parížske močiare
Takzvané Parížske močiare, najväčšie súvislé trstinové močiare na celom Slovensku, sa rozkladajú medzi obcami Gbelce a Nová Vieska v okrese Nové Zámky. Močiare predstavujú jednu z posledných pôvodných, a zároveň jednu najhodnotnejších lokalít vodného vtáctva u nás. Hniezdi tu viac ako 170 druhov vtákov, z ktorých niektoré sa nevyskytujú nikde inde na Slovensku.
Na pozorovanie vtáctva bola v oblasti vybudovaná malá drevená rozhľadňa. Parížske močiare navštevujú ornitológovia z celej Európy. Nečudo, že bola táto oblasť vyhlásená za národnú prírodnú rezerváciu. Okrem vtákov sa v lokalite vyskytujú aj iné vzácne zvieratá, ako napríklad vydra riečna či korytnačka močiarna – jediná na Slovensku žijúca korytnačka. Veľmi hodnotná je i tunajšia flóra. Historickou zaujímavosťou Parížskych močiarov je, že tu predstavitelia minulého režimu plánovali experimentovať s pestovaním ryže, čím by sa chýrečné československé poľnohospodárstvo akiste vyšvihlo na ešte onakvejšiu úroveň, než na ktorej bolo. Územím močiarov dnes vedú dva náučné chodníky. Východiskom výletov do oblasti je severozápadná časť obce Gbelce (Trstinová ulica). Na návštevníka čaká množstvo nádherných krajinárskych scenérií.
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Places Around
Vyhliadka skaly v Burde
The most famous tourist-marked viewpoint, simply called "Rocks", offers a beautiful view of the confluence of the Hron and the Danube, the town of Štúrovo, the Márie Valérie Bridge, and especially Esztergom with its majestic Classicist basilica representing the third largest church in Europe.
Hotel Chateau Béla
Surrounded by a landscaped garden, this Baroque château in Béla was restored in 2007 and offers a restaurant and a wine tavern. Guests enjoy free WiFi zone, free access to the outdoor pool and the wellness center. A breakfast buffet is served.
Pension Mlyn
Featuring an on-site restaurant and wellness facilities, Mlyn Penzion & Wellness is set in Radvaň nad Dunajom. Its modern-style accommodation features a patio with a view to Danube River. Free Wi-Fi is provided.
Vadaš Thermal Resort
The Vadaš Thermal Relaxation Resort is located in the town of Štúrovo near the Slovak-Hungarian border. It is especially in summer that the centre becomes an ideal place for entertainment and relaxation where a number of sports facilities and other amenities are available. resort boasts a large pool called the "Lagoon" that includes artificial waves and whose shape resembles a sea bay.
Termálne kúpalisko Patince
A relaxing experience is what you will find at Patince’s wellness hotel and pools. The thermal water found at the southernmost community in Slovakia acts upon the entire body.
Kúpele Patince
Although The Danube Region is not one of the large regions, it offers a number of thermal springs to its residents and tourists. Here we can find a trio of recreational swimming pools with interesting and healing thermal springs. Swimming pools in Komárno, Štúrovo and Wellness and Summer Thermal Spa Patince all help people improve their health.
Thermal Swimming Pool Podhájska
Thermal Swimming Pool with an unique therapeutic geothermal water, with the mineral consistency similar to the Dead Sea water. There are other additional services in the area of swimming pool as massages, sauna etc. The complex is situated in the green area with sculptures made at the regularly organised art symposiums.
Thermal Swimming Pool Komárno
The town of Komárno, which lies on the banks of the Danube on the border with Hungary, and its surroundings are full of historic monuments and attractions. The Komárno Thermal Swimming-pool lies in the centre of the town and is packed full of water attractions and opportunities for having fun and relaxing.
Church of the Virgin Mary - Bíňa
The village of Bíňa in the south-east of Slovakia is one of the most important archaeological sites in Slovakia.
Rotunda Dvanástich apoštolov
Ak ste milovníkmi architektúry, vzácnych historických stavieb či sakrálnych pamiatok, rozhodne by ste nemali vynechať obec Bíňa. Práve tu stojí románska rotunda s maľbami zo začiatku 12. storočia.
The Bridge of Mary Valerie in Štúrovo
The most recently reconstructed bridge connects Slovakia and Hungary. It was reconstructed after 57 years´ time which was not very positive in terms of friendship of these two states.
Mestská galéria Júliusa Bartu
The Július Barta City Gallery is housed in the building of the former Great Municipal Inn. According to locals, it is the most beautiful and most exposed place in the city, because it is located from the centuries-old plane trees right in the pedestrian zone.
Steam repumping station near Komárno
A valuable technical monument – the steam repumping station exists between the communes Patince and Virt, not far away from the mouth of the river Stará Žitava in the south of Slovakia close to the Slovak-Hungarian frontier.
Observatory at Hurbanovo
The town Hurbanovo is notorious not only for the locally produced beer Zlatý bažant, but above all for the oldest Slovak observatory, history of which initiated in 1871.
Roman Fort in Iža - Kelemantia
It was the Romans who built at Iža the first fort on the left bank of the Danube. Celemantia is the largest and most fabled reminder of Roman times in Slovakia.
The Fortress Komárno
The Fortress of Komárno, in the south of Slovakia, is the largest and the most important memorial of this kind in Slovakia. With its size and the degree of preservation it is unique in Europe. As a matter of fact there have been efforts to enlist it into the heritage of the UNESCO.